Stewart Lab - Chronic Neurorepair for Spinal Cord Injury Lab

About the Lab
Our work is inspired by, and dedicated to, those currently living with paralysis caused by spinal cord injuries (SCI). Our work focuses on understanding what underlies sustained dysfunction of the chronically injured spinal cord as well as mechanisms that limit repair. Our philosophy is governed by a belief that tools and techniques are currently available that can be leveraged to improve motor and sensory functions during chronic stages of SCI, and that through deliberate efforts, these tools can be translated for the benefit of people.
We utilize genetic engineering approaches to elucidate and overcome mechanisms that restrict functions and the repair of the chronically injured spinal cord. Our work is focuses on three major categories: 1) Better understand the chronic SCI environment and determine how non-resolving elements, such as sustained inflammation, affect function and repair; 2) Develop clinically viable gene-therapy approaches tailored to the SCI condition to improve functions through neuromodulation and regeneration; and 3) Overcome regenerative barriers in the extracellular matrix through strategic augmentations of stem cell transplants and/or biomaterials.
Get Involved!
We are currently seeking interested undergraduate and graduate students, as well as members living with SCI, to join our efforts however possible. For those living with SCI, we seek community involvement to help guide our research focus, refine our communication and dissemination in publications, and to assist in educating our lab members through lived SCI experience.