Broad, Interdisciplinary Degree Program

The MS in Medical Sciences may be used as a stand-alone degree by students seeking career enhancement in fields such as basic biomedical research, the pharmaceutical industry, or the health science professions; by students seeking credentials in the biomedical sciences as a preliminary to applying for medical school or other health sciences professional programs; or by students seeking to enhance their knowledge base prior to choosing a career direction.

The Master of Science (MS) in Medical Sciences is a broad, interdisciplinary degree program that draws on the academic and research expertise of the College of Medicine Basic Science Departments. The MS in Medical Sciences may also provide supplemental or joint training for practitioners in the health professions (physicians, dentists, pharmacists) or students in professional health science programs, based on individual career goals and research training needs.

The program can be completed in 18 to 24 months.

Application Information






University Scholars Program

The University Scholars program offers exceptionally gifted and highly motivated students the opportunity to integrate their undergraduate and graduate courses of study into a single continuous program culminating in both a baccalaureate and a master’s or doctoral degree.

Students should apply at the end of their junior year. Applicants must have completed at least 90 credit hours of work toward the bachelor’s degree or be eligible for senior standing in the semester they are admitted to the program. The master’s program should be in the undergraduate major field (there are some exceptions made), and the undergraduate grade point average must be at least 3.50 in the applicant’s major field and 3.20 overall. Applicants to a University Scholars program must submit both a Graduate School application and a University Scholars form with all requested signatures.

University Scholars are classified as undergraduates until they have completed the number of credit hours required for their undergraduate degree. Undergraduate tuition rates will be applied to the graduate-level coursework designated for dual credit. In most cases, the GRE is not required for admission to the University Scholars program.

Applicants will need to meet with Melinda Wilson, PhD,  director of graduate studies, to complete the USP Study Plan which will be submitted with the Graduate School application. This form should be returned along with the standard Graduate School application form. The dean of the Graduate School or their appointee will make admission decisions. Students must register in the Graduate School for all work taken following admission to the University Scholars Program. University Scholars may take no more than 16 credit hours per semester, except by recommendation of their director of graduate studies and by approval of the dean of the Graduate School.


Incident Reporting and Feedback

To maintain a safe, nurturing learning environment and culture, the Office of Biomedical Education encourages all learners to report any concerns or incidents that might detract from its mission. These concerns may range from a lack of professionalism or curriculum concern to reports of mistreatment. Please click on the link to report any observed incidents about UK College of Medicine faculty, staff, or students. The more detail provided, the more likely College of Medicine leadership will be able to reach an appropriate resolution. Every effort will be made to preserve the anonymity of the person reporting. College of Medicine leadership will not disclose any identifiable information unless the student gives explicit permission to do so. 

Circumstances involving discrimination or harassment can be referred directly to the University of Kentucky Office of Equal Opportunity, 859-257-8927.

Report Incident