Orientation Process
IBS Orientation is designed to give incoming IBS students a thorough introduction and good start to their graduate careers.
At the outset of IBS Orientation, students will be able to complete the processes necessary to begin their graduate school careers.
IBS introduction and welcome to the program
Following the IBS introduction, each of the departmental programs hosts a half-day workshop to showcase its research program and introduce its faculty and students to the incoming IBS class. These occur both on and off campus, and include lots of time for networking and social activities.
IBS Orientation is also time to interview with faculty prior to selecting the first rotation lab. Often, interviews are stretched over two or three sessions and include visits with lab members, as well as with the principal investigator or PI (the faculty member who heads the lab).
Choose Lab Rotations
IBS students are required to interview with faculty in at least three departments to ensure that they explore how their own interests are expressed across different disciplines. However, IBS students may choose to rotate in only one department or in as many as four departments, depending on their interests.
Experience Lexington
To visit us, use the linked map below.
For step-by-step directions, lodging near the College of Medicine, and for more information about Lexington, click here.
More Questions?
For more questions on prerequisites and admission requirements, please visit the IBS FAQ.