Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry
Biochemistry Research
Researchers in our highly-interactive department utilize cutting-edge approaches to understand the molecular basis of disease, including work focused on cancer, cardiovascular disease, infectious disease, aging and neurodegenerative disorders. The collaborative nature of the department and the wide array of scientific approaches, from structural biology and biophysical methods to cell biological and organismal studies, also contribute to the exciting research environment.
Ellora Amrit
I am a rising senior at the University of Kentucky majoring in Neuroscience and Biology with aspirations of attending medical school and hopes of becoming a Pediatric Oncologist. This summer, I am analyzing a-beta and tau pathology in a genetically-engineered mouse model to analyze the effects that sleep fragmentation caused by disaster stress (such as from tornadoes and floods) has on Alzheimer's Disease. My mentor is Dr. Paul Murphy in the Sanders-Brown Center on Aging. I have already learned so much as a participant in the Summer Undergraduate Research Experience in Environmental Health Sciences (SURES), and I would like to thank Dr. Hollie Swanson for organizing and procuring funding for such an amazing program.