GME Contact: 


KBML Contact:

Last Name A-H : Dusty Hughes, 502-764-2610,

Last Name I-P : Lillie Diane McFall, 502-764-2606,

Last Name Q-Z : Cheryl Tabler, 502-764-2602,


FCVS Contact:

FCVS has customer support available Monday – Friday 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. CST at 888-ASK-FCVS or via email at  

  • You will not be issued a license until you have completed your first year (12 months of training). If you are entering as a PGY-1 with 12 months of training, please follow the steps under “Incoming PGY-2s."
  • For incoming PGY-1 with no training, you will fill out license paperwork at orientation. This will be mailed out in spring of your PGY-1 year. Please bring your passport or birth certificate to campus the day you have onboarding activities. A scanned copy of your passport or birth certificate is needed for your license application.
  • If you are recently married and will be changing your last name between completing the license paperwork (June 2023) and it being mailed (March 2024), please bring a copy of your marriage certificate. You do not need to bring a new passport or birth certificate. Your current passport or birth certificate with the marriage license is accepted.
  • PGY-2s are required to have a residency training (R) license. If you are an incoming PGY-2 with more than 24 months of training, please follow the steps for “Incoming PGY-3s and up.”
  • To obtain a Kentucky medical license, you will need to fill out a Kentucky Medical Board (KBML) application and a FCVS credentialing application.
  • Apply here: Scroll to the bottom and follow the instructions under the “Residency training / institutional practice / faculty / fellowship licenses.”
  • KBML also requires an affidavit and application appendix to be mailed in. Please mail this as soon as possible as it takes several weeks to process. Here is a copy of those forms: KBML R License Affidavit and Application Appendix_1.pdf
  • IMPORTANT: When creating your KBML username and password, use the following format.  This will enable the GME office to assist if any issues arise.  
    • Username: Enter your last name followed by your first initial (i.e., smithj for John Smith)
    • Password: Enter the last four digits of your social security number.
  • KBML does require a signed letter by your program director. Reach out to GME (, your program coordinator, or your program director to have the PD letter signed. Please have the letter filled out with your information when it is sent to UK to be signed. Here is a copy of that form: R License PD Approval Form.pdf
  • The next step is to complete a FCVS credentialing application with FSMB (Federation of State Medical Boards) here
  • Note: this may take six to eight weeks to process and get to KBML.
  • Failure to successfully complete this application in a timely manner will impact your ability to obtain a Kentucky medical license.
  • When submitting your application be certain that you are selecting 'Medical Board – Kentucky' as the recipient. Do not send this to GME, yourself, program, or anywhere else. Failure to send this directly to KBML will result in needing to submit/pay for a secondary application.
  • You must submit your application by mid-April regardless of having received your Step 3 and/or COMLEX 3 scores. If you receive your scores after submitting your application (or have not yet taken the exam and know you will not receive your scores in time), please let us know ASAP regarding next steps. If your Step 3/COMLEX 3 scores are not received prior to the KBML June Board meeting, you will receive an IP (limited) license instead of a R (residency training) license. 
  • Kentucky Board of Medical Licensure requires all applicants to be verified through the Federation Credentials Verification Service (FCVS).  You will be required to complete all necessary steps for FCVS verification prior to receipt of your Kentucky medical license. Unfortunately, UK GME does not have a mechanism for reimbursement of the FCVS fees, therefore FCVS fees will be out of pocket costs for you.
  • Incoming residents and fellows who will have more than 24 months of previous post graduate accredited training upon their UK GME start date must apply for a regular (full) medical license.  Fellows are required to apply for a regular / full medical license and are not deemed eligible for a fellowship training license.   
  • Residents who will have between 12 - 24 months of post graduate accredited training experience upon their UK GME start date are eligible for a residency or institutional practice license (R/IP). See instructions under “Incoming PGY-2s” for steps to take.
  • To obtain a Kentucky medical license, you will need to fill out a Kentucky Medical Board (KBML) application and an FCVS credentialing application.
  • Apply here:
  • If you do not have a Kentucky medical license, apply under the section “Regular Licenses.”
  • If you currently have a Kentucky residency training or institutional practice license, apply under the section “Kentucky Training Licenses.”
  • IMPORTANT: When creating your KBML username and password, use the following format.  This will enable the GME office to assist if any issues arise.  
    • Username: Enter your last name followed by your first initial (ie smithj for John Smith)
    • Password: Enter the last 4 digits of your Social Security Number
  • You will have to complete the following steps below for your KBML application in addition to the online application:
  • Please note, the UK GME office has the ability to reimburse you for the KBML expense after your UK GME start date.  You will be asked to provide 1) your official KBML receipt verifying method of payment and 2)  proof of payment from your banking institution (ie screenshot of the line item from your online bank account).   Reimbursement cannot be provided prior to your start date.
  • Click here to begin your FCVS application.
  • Note: this may take six to eight weeks to process and get to KBML.
  • When submitting your application be certain that you are selecting 'Medical Board – Kentucky' as the recipient. Do not send this to GME, yourself, program, or anywhere else. Failure to send this directly to KBML will result in needing to submit/pay for a secondary application.
  • Kentucky Board of Medical Licensure requires all applicants to be verified through the Federation Credentials Verification Service (FCVS). You will be required to complete all necessary steps for FCVS verification prior to receipt of your Kentucky medical license.  Unfortunately, UK GME does not have a mechanism for reimbursement of the FCVS fees, therefore FCVS fees will be out of pocket costs for you.

You can be reimbursed for your KBML cost after your start date. GME does not reimburse FCVS and criminal background check costs.

Apply for reimbursement here

Requirements:  Several items to document licensing expense will be needed to process reimbursement requests.  (See below by payment type).

 Credit Card payment 

1.       Original receipt showing last 4-digits of card number.

2.       Proof of withdrawal/debit from bank account (i.e. screenshot from bank account of expense).

3.       University of Kentucky request for employee reimbursement 

 Paper Check payment 

1.       Original receipt showing check number.

2.       Front and back images of cleared check from banking institution.

3.       University of Kentucky request for employee reimbursement 

 Money Order payment 

1.       Original receipt showing proof of payment.

2.       Proof of purchasing money order (receipt and screenshot of online transaction from bank account).

3.       University of Kentucky request for employee reimbursement.

For questions regarding reimbursements, please email the GME Benefits Coordinator Kenleigh Fennema at

FCVS and KBML forms need to be notarized. There are notaries in the GME office Monday – Friday from 8 a.m.– 5p.m. in room HQ-101. We do not offer online notary services. If you are at UK or in the area, you are welcome to stop by GME to have your forms notarized. You do not need to make an appointment.