
Didactic Coursework
The residency program didactic coursework is known as the "Resident Teaching Series" (RTS) and is organized into a two-year curriculum, encompassing the entire scope of topics tested during the annual in-service examination. Take-home examinations are administered following completion of sections to gauge resident understanding and monitor educational progress. The faculty then reviews these exams with the residents to reinforce the material. Dedicated blocks of time ranging from one-to-three months are spent focusing on the following areas:
- Head and Neck Examination
- Audiometry, Auditory and Vestibular Physiology
- Otology, Neurotology, and Temporal Bone Dissection
- Head and Neck Oncology
- Rhinology and Anterior Skull Base Surgery
- Laryngology and Speech Pathology
- Pediatric Otolaryngology
- Facial Plastic Surgery
- Maxillofacial Trauma
- Allergy
- Radiology of the Head and Neck
Board Examination Trainings
All residents are enrolled in Otolaryngology Weekly by DeckerRx. During their training, residents undergo yearly “mock” oral-board examinations administered by faculty members, and complete the In-Training Examination (ITE). The ITE aids in preparation for the American Board of Otolaryngology – HNS written and oral board examinations required for certification following completion of residency training. Examination participation is mandatory for advancement in residency training.
In addition, the residents have dedicated resident-run didactic time each Friday morning where various topics are discussed to further ITE and board certification exam preparation. UK Otolaryngology has been above national averages on the ITE several years running—usually at least one standard deviation above the mean.
Finally, the UK Department of Otolaryngology attempts to send every resident to at least one educational course during residency, such as a temporal bone course, rhinology course, or similar.