The University of Kentucky is conducting a research study that focuses on building better support for families with kids who are deaf and hard of hearing and use hearing devices!
We are enrolling 125 families from across the country to help us learn more about parents’ experiences, kids’ behaviors, and kids’ language development. We will be learning if a strengths-based parenting program, “The Family Check-Up,” is helpful to families with children who are deaf or hard of hearing and use hearing devices.
Your participation and your permission for your child to participate will help us develop and evaluate a program that could help other parents with children who are deaf and hard of hearing in the future.
You and your child would be involved in the study for up to 3 years, and you would receive up to $150 each year for completing research activities.
You may be eligible to participate if:
• You are at least 18 years old.
• You are the parent or legal guardian of a child between the ages of 3-6 years who is deaf or hard of hearing
• Your child has had a hearing aid or cochlear implant, or bone conduction device for at least the past 6 months (or longer!)
• You are able to communicate in English or American Sign Language

CHAMPS stands for “Communities Harnessing and eMpowering Parenting Strengths,” and DHH stands for “deaf and hard of hearing.” Our research team’s goals are to always value and build our projects in partnership with the communities we work with. The CHAMPS-DHH project was developed with guidance and input from more than 70 community stakeholders, including parents, speech-language pathologists, audiologists, DHH educators, early interventionists, mental health professionals, and others. We are especially lucky to have continuing guidance and assistance from our Community Advisory Board members, who are with us each step of the way!
How do I learn more?
For more information, tell us how to contact you in this form: bit.ly/ukchampsdhh
OR, email our research team at champsdhh@uky.edu or call us at 859-218-2018. We are excited to talk to you!

This study is led by Tina Studts, PhD and is supported by the National Institutes of Health – National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders
(NIH-NIDCD) Grant #R01DC016957.