Mission Statement

The residency program in radiation medicine at the University Of Kentucky College of Medicine is designed to provide a comprehensive clinical and didactic education for residents in the field of radiation oncology.

Our mission is to train highly skilled radiation oncologists who are familiar with the most advanced techniques in clinical treatment, who understand and apply evidence-based medicine, and who understand the principles of cancer therapy.

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Goals and Objectives

Through their clinical rotations, residents will gain experience in evaluating, diagnosing, and managing cancer patients. Under staff supervision, residents will evaluate new patients and participate in the simulation and planning of patient treatment.

Residents gain proficiency in external beam irradiation using x-rays or electrons, gamma knife, and interstitial or intracavitary brachytherapy using both high-dose and low-dose rates.

Clinical training also includes morning chart rounds two times per week, resident teaching conferences, journal clubs, and invited lectures. Residents will get the opportunity to develop presentation skills.

Many tumor boards and multi-disciplinary clinics provide clinical training that involve faculty both inside and outside the department. This experience with multi-disciplinary patient management offers a template for interactions with colleagues in medical fields other than radiation oncology.

The residents also interact with primary care physicians, language translators, social workers, rehabilitation specialists, and hospice officials when caring for patients, thereby enhancing their interpersonal communication skills and knowledge of systems-based practice.


Year Objective Rotation
PGY-2 Build a strong foundation in anatomy, basic oncological principles, radiation biology, radiation physics, and radiation treatment techniques Orientation • Clinical Rotations
PGY-3 Develop proficiency in radiation techniques • Apply oncologic knowledge to treatment plans Clinical Rotations • Electives
PGY-4 Integrate oncologic knowledge using evidence-based practice • Advance practice of oncology through clinical, translational, international, or basic science research • Clinical pursuits in areas of personal interest • Apply advanced clinical care of oncology patients • Solidify knowledge of radiation biology and physics Clinical Rotations • Research & Electives
PGY-5 A focus on advanced clinical care of oncology patients • Career development Clinical Rotations

Clinical Rotations

We practice a Mentor:Apprentice model. Each clinical rotation is typically 3 months where the resident is assigned to a disease-specific site with one attending physician. Our current rotations are divided based on disease-site and modality.


  • Gynecologic and brachytherapy
  • Thoracic and hematologic
  • Head, neck, and skin
  • Breast and gastrointestinal
  • Central nervous system, genitourinary, and pediatrics

Supplemental Electives

  • Radiology
  • Oncology
  • Dosimetry
  • Pathology

Didactic Education

  • Resident Teaching Conference
  • Radiobiology course
  • Physics course
  • Dosimetry course
  • Morning Conference


  • Disease-site specific multi-disciplinary tumor boards
  • Visiting professorship
  • DeMasi Endowed Lectureship
  • Morbidity and Mortality Conference
  • Journal Club
  • In-Service exam
  • Contouring Workshops
  • RAPHEX Physics Exam
  • Mock Oral Boards – residents have requested this and it is something we can implement
  • Select Regional and National Conferences

Application Process and Requirements

House Officers enter the University of Kentucky in their PGY-2 year through the NRMP match. Successful completion of a PGY-1 year is required.

Applicants are preferably accepted through ERAS. Applicants may register on the MyERAS Web site and begin completing their applications. (Note: Applicant may select programs, but cannot apply to our residency program before Sept. 1.) On Sept. 1 applicants may begin transmitting their application. We will not accept any applications past Oct. 31.

Invitations for interviews will be sent out in the second or third week of November. In March, the National Resident Matching Program results will be available. 

Documents that are mandatory when applying for our residency position:

  • CV
  • Transcript
  • Photo
  • MSPE
  • At least three letters of recommendation,
  • USMLE Transcript
  • ECFMG status report (if applicable), 
  • Personal statement

Suggested items to have by Dec. 1 on the ERAS system would be USMLE Step 1, Step 2 CK, and Step 2 CS scores.


Denise Fabian, MD
Assistant Professor
Residency Program Director

Email: Denise.Fabian@uky.edu
Fax: 859-257-4060
800 Rose Street, C114A
Lexington, KY 40536