
The Radiation Medicine Department in the College of Medicine at the University of Kentucky currently offers a comprehensive program leading to the M.S. degree in Radiological Medical Physics. The program provides students a thorough didactic grounding in fundamental and specialized medical physics, with hands-on experience using state-of-the-art equipment, and is fully accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Medical Physics Programs (CAMPEP).
The UK Radiological Medical Physics program:

Susan Parker a nursing professional, runner and passionate equestrian was diagnosed with Stage IIIB Adenocarcinoma of the lung in 2011. Immediately after her diagnosis, she began the 31-day regimen of daily radiation treatments combined with chemotherapy. “I went to those initial appointments with the oncologists not at all sure that I wanted to pursue treatment,” said Susan. “But Dr. McGarry’s big smile and his very positive attitude go a long way to encourage a patient who has been given this kind of diagnosis.