Physiology Research Day
The Physiology Research Day is an annual celebration of the research conducted within the Department of Physiology. The day is designed to provide staff, post docs, graduate students and undergraduates with the opportunity to present their work in the form of podium presentations and posters. It is also designed to education the department on new equipment or techniques available in the department and throughout the University. The final goal is increase the opportunity for collaboration and contribute to the high level of collegiality within the department.
Physiology Education Retreat
The Physiology Education Retreat is typically held once a year as an opportunity to highlight immense teaching contributions of the Department of Physiology. The Richardson Lecture is provided by a leader in the field of pedagogy. The courses taught by the department are discussed in detail with opportunities for change and improvement highlighted.
Kentucky Physiological Society Meeting
Register for the 2024 Kentucky Physiological Society Meeting today!
IBS Orientation
The annual Physiology IBS Orientation occurs each year in August as part of the kick-off week for the IBS Program and its scheduled orientations for all the Basic Science Departments.