

Physiology Seminar Series occurs each Tuesday morning during the academic year in HKRB 150 at 9:30 a.m. The series brings prominent scientists and educators to campus to share their work with our faculty, staff, and trainees.

Spring 2025

Date Event Title Speaker Institute Host
01/14/2025 Dan Richardson Lecture: Teaching Students to Reflect: Collaborative Testing, Reflective Writing and Metacognition Lisa Carney Anderson, PhD University of Minnesota Medical School Thad Wilson, PhD
01/21/2025 Promotion Seminar: APOE in AD: Targeting Glial Metabolism Lance Johnson, PhD University of Kentucky Alan Daugherty, PhD, DSc
01/27/2025 Disruption of Lipid Metabolism as a Major Driver of Alzheimer’s Disease and Aging Juan Pablo Palavicini, PhD University of Texas Health, San Antonio Lance Johnson, PhD
01/28/2025 Precision Phenotyping of Heart Failure Using AI-Guided Predictive Modeling Daniel Beard, PhD University of Michigan Austin Wellette-Hunsucker
02/04/2025 Hold for Local Speaker
02/11/2025 Recruitment Seminar: Kajana Satkunendrarajah, Ph.D. Medical College of Wisconsin John Gensel, PhD
02/18/2025 Wandering Through Physiology: Central Circuit Regulation of Cardiac Parasympathetic System Carie Boychuk, PhD University of Missouri Brian Delisle, PhD
02/25/2025 Trainee Talks Akhil Pallerla, Georgia Nolt & Isaiah Stephens University of Kentucky Gregory Frolenkov, PhD
03/04/2025 Dr. Kekenes-Huskey's lab determines how molecules and proteins shape the functions of immune and heart cells by blending computational science and traditional wet-lab experiments. Peter Hekenes-Huskey, PhD Loyola University Cheavar Blair, PhD
03/11/2025 Feel the Force Around You: Cardiac Mechano-Signaling and GSK-3b Jonathan Kirk, PhD Loyola University Cheavar Blair, PhD
03/18/2025 Promotion Seminar Cheavar Blair, PhD University of Kentucky Alan Daugherty, PhD, DSc
03/25/2025 Trainee Talks Benjamin Burke, Nicholas McVay & Emily Huffman University of Kentucky Gregory Frolenkov, PhD
04/01/2025 Trainee Talks Sinclair Ashley, Clarity Voy & Emma Stevens University of Kentucky Gregory Frolenkov, PhD
04/08/2025 Trainee Talks Samantha Radomski, Susana Munoz Gil & Gabriela Brown University of Kentucky Gregory Frolenkov, PhD
04/15/2025 Sounds in Silence: How Non-Sensory Cells in the Ear Promote Maturation of the Auditory System Dwight Bergles, PhD Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Cata Velez-Ortega, PhD
04/22/2025 Adding Sleep and Circadian Rhythms to Medicine Elizabeth Klerman, MD, PhD Harvard Medical School Cheavar Blair, PhD
04/29/2025 Trainee Talks Olivia Hage, Sandra Miranda Sardon & Lynnet Richey University of Kentucky Gregory Frolenkov, PhD
05/06/2025 Trainee Talks Sara Gonzalez Velez, Kylie Morin, Austin Minton & Shrishti Naidu University of Kentucky Gregory Frolenkov, PhD
05/13/2025 Trainee Talks Riley Irmen, Alyssa Franklin & Joshua Moses University of Kentucky Gregory Frolenkov, PhD
05/20/2025 Temporal Dynamics of Oligodendroglial Lineage Cells in Health and Disease Erin Gibson, PhD Stanford University Shannon Macauley, PhD
05/27/2025 Recruitment Seminar Cheavar Blair, PhD University of Kentucky Alan Daugherty, PhD, DSc

Fall 2025 

Date Event Title Speaker Institute Host
09/09/2025 Available
09/16/2025 Available
09/23/2025 Available
10/07/2025 Available
10/14/2025 Available
10/21/2025 Available
10/28/2025 Available
11/04/2025 Available
11/11/2025 Available
11/18/2025 Available
12/02/2025 Available

Previous Seminars