Brett Comer, MD, served as moderator for the Otolaryngology Program Director’s Organization (OPDO)/Society of University Otolaryngologists (SUO)/Association of Academic Departments of Otolaryngology (AADO) 11/19/2020 webinar on “Post-COVID Otolaryngology Resident Education.” DPDO/SUO/AADO are the key leadership organizations within academic otolaryngology, and their typical annual meeting has been converted to a series of webinars this year. Dr. Comer was joined by Sarah Mowry, MD from Case Western Reserve, Tamara Chambers, MD, from the University of Southern California, and Sarah Bowe, MD, from the San Antonio Uniformed Health Services Consortium. The webinar was given to a national audience via Zoom, and covered topics such as the otolaryngology consortiums, asynchronous vs synchronous learning, and podcasts, among other topics.
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