The Saha Cardiovascular Research Center would like to introduce two new faculty members:

Dr. Mary Sheppard attended medical school at the University of Kentucky, and returns to our community with aims to increase awareness in aneurysms, particularly surrounding Marfan’s syndrome. Working closely with Dr. Alan Daugherty’s lab, Dr. Sheppard will be bringing the clinical side to the overall study of atherosclerosis, a major cause of aortic aneurysms. She spends most of her time working in Family and Community Medicine over at the new Kentucky Clinic site at Turfland, as well as working closely with the Surgery department here at UK.

Dr. Frederick Onono has been with the Saha Cardiovascular Research Center since his Post-Doc appointment in 2014. Recently, he received the title of Assistant Professor. His department is in Molecular and Cellular Biology, and he spends his time working with Drs. Andrew Morris, Susan Smyth, Jeff Gill, Kathleen O’Conner, and Andrew Lane for his current research project. Dr. Onono recently received an R01 Grant from the NIH that will fund his study which explores the link between obesity and breast cancer.

The Saha CVRC welcomes Dr. Onono and Dr. Sheppard, and is more than proud to have them on our team.

For more information on our faculty, visit our People page on our website.

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