Mueller, P.; Ye, S.; Morris, A.; Smyth, S.S.  Lysophospholipid mediators in the vasculature.  Experimental cell research  2015 [PubMed Link] | [Full Text]


Acting through cell surface receptors, “extracellular” lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) influences cell growth, differentiation, apoptosis and development in a wide spectrum of settings. Within the vasculature, smooth muscle cells and endothelial cells and platelets and display notable responses to LPA, which likely regulate blood vessel development and contribute to vascular pathology. The bioactive effects of LPA are mediated by a family of G-protein coupled receptors with at least six members (termed LPA1–6 that are encoded by the LPAR genes in humans and Lpar in mice).  LPA may also serve as a ligand for the receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE). This review summarizes evidence to support a role for LPA signaling in vascular biology based on studies of LPA receptors and enzymes that produce or metabolize the lipid (Fig 1).