Jie Zhang, PhD, DABR (D, N), FAAPM
(859) 323-2146jnzh222@uky.edu
- Professor of Radiology and Biomedical Engineering
- Chief, Division of Diagnostic & Nuclear Medical Physics
- Director, Diagnostic Imaging Physics Residency Program
College Unit(s)
Other Affiliation(s)
- Medical Physics
- Radiation Medicine - Physicists
- CardioVascular Imaging Research Team
Biography and Education
Ph.D. - Biophysical Sciences & Medical Physics, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
Board Certifications: The American Board of Radiology, Certified in Diagnostic and Nuclear Medical Physics
Qualification in Mammography
Selected Publications
Mark Supanich, Jeff Siewerdsen, Rebecca Fahrig, Keyvan Farahani, Grace Jianan Gang , Pat Helm, Jan Jans, Kyle Jones, Thomas Koenig, Andrew Kuhls-Gilcrist, MingDe Lin, Cyril Riddell, Ludwig Ritschl, Sebastian Schafer, Beth Schueler, Mike Silver, Jan Timmer, Yves Trousset, Jie Zhang, AAPM Task Group Report 238: 3D C-Arms with Volumetric Imaging Capability, Med. Phys.. 2023; 00- 00. https://doi.org/10.1002/mp.16245
X Nie, A Siddique, P Hardy, J Zhang, Quantitative Assessments of Image Intensifier Distortion Induced by Weak (Sub-Gauss) Magnetic Fields During Fluoroscopically-guided Procedures, Med Phys. 2023 Mar;50(3):1336-1348. doi: 10.1002/mp.16131.
Zhang ZJ, Ganesh H, Raslau FD, Nair RT, Escott E, Wang C, Wang G, Zhang J, Deep Learning versus Iterative Reconstruction on Image Quality and Dose Reduction in Abdominal CT: A Live Animal Study, Phys Med Biol. 2022 Jul 8;67(14). doi: 10.1088/1361-6560/ac7999.
Ge G, Zhang J, Feature Selection Methods and Predictive Models in CT Lung Cancer Radiomics. J Appl Clin Med Phys. 2023 Jan;24(1):e13869. doi: 10.1002/acm2.13869. Epub 2022 Dec 17. PMID: 36527376; PMCID: PMC9860004.
Liang G, Ganesh H, Steffe D, Liu L, Jacobs N and Zhang J, Development of CNN models for the enteral feeding tube positioning assessment on a small scale data set, BMC Medical Imaging, 2022. 22:52 https://doi.org/10.1186/s12880-022-00766
Hickman D, Zhang J, McQuerry K, Lee J, Should radiologists care about kV? Phantom and clinical study of effects of kV on hemoperitoneum HU in the setting of splenic injuries. Emerg Radiol 2020, 27(2):135-140.
Raslau F, Escott EJ, Smiley, J, Adams, C, Feigal, D, Ganesh, H, Wang, C, Zhang J, Dose reduction while preserving diagnostic quality in head CT: advancing the application of iterative reconstruction using a live animal model, American Journal of Neuroradiology (AJNR), 2019, 40(11) 1864-1870.
Weir V, Zhang J, Technical note: Using linear and polynomial approximations to correct IEC CTDI Measurement for a wide-beam CT scanner, Medical Physics, 2019. 46(11): p. 5360-5365.
Weir V, Zhang J, Radiation dose measurements in 256-slice computed tomography scanner, Journal of Medical Physics, 2018, 43(2): 85-92.
Zhang J, Hardy PA, DiSantis DJ, Oates ME. Hands-on Physics Education of Residents in Diagnostic Radiology. Acad Radiol. 2017, 24(6): 677-681.
Raslau F, Zhang J, Riley-Graham J, Escott EJ. Understanding and Mitigating Unexpected Artifacts in Head CTs: A Practical Experience. Neurographics. 2016 March;6(2):102-110.
Wang G, Zhang J, Gao H, Weir V, Yu HY, Cong WX, Xu XC, Shen H, Bennett J, Furth M, Wang Y, Vannier M, Towards omni-tomography–Grand fusion of multiple modalities for simultaneous interior tomography, PLoS ONE 7(6): 2012 (e39700. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0039700).
Divani AA, Majidi S, Luo XH, Souslian FG, Zhang J, Abosch A, Tummala R, The ABC’s of Accurate Volumetric Measurement of Cerebral Hematoma, Stroke. 2011;42: 1569-1574.
Zhang J and Patterson RP, Non-invasive determination of absolute lung resistivity in the adults using electrical impedance tomography, Physiological Measurement, 2010; 31:45-56.
Zhang J, Weir V, Fajardo L, Lin JY, Hsiung H, Ritenour ER, Dosimetric characterization of a cone-beam O-arm imaging system, Journal of X-ray Science and Technology, 2009; 17(4):305-317.
Graf J, Mentzelopoulos, SD, Adams AB, Zhang J, Tashjian JH, Marini JJ Semi-quantitative tracking of intra-airway fluids by computed tomography, Clinical Physiology and Function Imaging, 2009;29(4):406-413.
Zhang J., Bruesewitz MR., Bartholmai B., McCollough CH., Selection of appropriate CT image reconstruction algorithms for a quantitative multi-center trial of diffuse lung disease, J Comput Assist Tomogr 2008;32:233-237.
Zhang J, Fletcher JG, Williamson EE, Araoz PA, Primak AN, McCollough CH Analysis of heart rate and heart rate variation during cardiac CT examination, Academic Radiology, 2008; 15:40–48.
McCollough CH, Zhang J, Primak AN, Clement WJ, Buysman JR. Effects of CT Irradiation on Implantable Cardiac Rhythm Management Devices. Radiology. 2007;243(3):766-74.
Zhang J, Fletcher JG, Vrtiska TJ, Manduca A, Thompson JL, Raghavan ML, McCollough CH. Large-vessel Distensibility Measurement with Electrocardiographically Gated Multidetector CT: Phantom Study and Initial Experience. Radiology. 2007;245(1):258-66.
Primak AN, McCollough CH, Bruesewitz MR, Zhang J, Fletcher JG. Relationship between Noise, Dose, and Pitch in Cardiac Multi-detector Row CT. RadioGraphics. 2006;26(6):1785-94.