Lee Johnson, PhD, DABR
(859) 257-7618eljj@uky.edu
- Professor
- Director of Graduate Studies for Radiation Science
College Unit(s)
Other Affiliation(s)
- Radiation Medicine - Physicists
Biography and Education
B.S., University of Kentucky, 1979, Chemical Engineering
B.A., University of Kentucky, 1981, Science Education
Ph.D., University of Kentucky, 1993, Nuclear Chemistry
Postdoctoral Training, Duke University Medical Center, 1993-1995
Board Certification:
Americal Board of Radiology, Therapeutic Radiological Physics, 1999
Selected Publications
1. E. L. Johnson, E. M. Baum, D. P. DiPrete, R. A. Gatenby, D. Wang, M. T. McEllistrem, and S. W. Yates, "The Study of Scissors Mode States in 162,164Dy with (n,n'γ) Spectroscopy," Proc. Eighth Int. Sym. on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics, Fribourg, Switzerland, Sept. 20-24, 1993, J. Kern, Ed., World Scientific, 476-8 (1994).
2. P. Henney, E. L. Johnson, and G. Cothran, "A New Buffer System for Acid PAGE Typing of Equine Protease Inhibitor," Animal Genetics 25, 363-364 (1994).
3. E. L. Johnson, T. G. Turkington, R. J. Jaszczak, D. R. Gilland, G. Vaidyanathan, K. L. Greer, R. E. Coleman, and M. R. Zalutsky, "Quantitation of 211At in Small Volumes for Evaluation of Targeted Radiotherapy in Animal Models," Nucl. Med. Biol. 22(1), 45-54 (1995).
4. E. L. Johnson, R. J. Jaszczak, H. Wang, J. Li, K. L. Greer, and R. E. Coleman, “Pinhole SPECT for Imaging In-111 in the Head,”IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 42, 1126-32 (1995).
5. E. L. Johnson, E. M. Baum, D. P. DiPrete, R. A. Gatenby, T. Belgya, D. Wang, J. R. Vanhoy, M. T. McEllistrem, and S. W. Yates, "Lifetime Measurements of Scissors Mode States in 162,164Dy," Phys. Rev. C 52, 2382-6 (1995).
6. E. L. Johnson, H. Wang, J. W. McCormick, K. L. Greer, R. E. Coleman, and R. J. Jaszczak, “Pixel Driven Implementation of Filtered Backprojection for Reconstruction of Fan Beam SPECT Data Using a Position Dependent Effective Projection Bin Length,” Phys. Med. Biol. 41, 1439-52 (1996).
7. A. S. Meigooni, K. Dou, J. Meigooni, M. Gnaster, S. Awan, S. Dini, and E. L. Johnson, “Dosimetric and Biological Characteristics of a Newly Designed Grid Block For Megavoltage Photon Radiation and its Therapeutic Advantage using a Linear Quadratic Model”, Med. Phys.,33 (9), 3165-73 (2006).
8. E. L. Johnson and M. E. Randall, “IMRT: Promising and Problematic”, Enterprise Imaging & Therapeutic Radiology Mgmt., 18(9), 27-31 (2008).
Selected Presentations
Selected Presentations
1. "Study of Low-Energy I=1 States in 162Dy and 164Dy by Inelastic Neutron Scattering," E. L. Johnson, D. Wang, R. A. Gatenby, E. M. Baum, D. P. Diprete, J. R. Vanhoy, T. Belgya, P. Zhang, M. T. McEllistrem, and S. W. Yates, Symposium on Recent Advances in Nuclear Structure Research, ACS National Meeting, Atlanta, GA, April 14-19, 1991.
2. "Doppler-Shift Lifetime Measurements with (n,n'γ) Reaction and the role of E1 Transitions from Octupole Excitations," T. Belgya, R. A. Gatenby, E. L. Johnson, E. M. Baum, J. R. Vanhoy, S. W. Yates, B. Fazekas, G. Molnár, and A. Veres, European Research Conference on Nuclear Physics: Nuclear Shapes, Balatonfüred, Hungary, September 2-6, 1991.
3. "The Study of Scissors Mode States in 162,164Dy with (n,n'γ) Spectroscopy," E. L. Johnson, E. M. Baum, D. P. DiPrete, R. A. Gatenby, D. Wang, M. T. McEllistrem, S. W. Yates, T. Belgya, B. Fazekas, and G. Molnár, Eighth International Symposium on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics, Fribourg, Switzerland, Sept. 20-24, 1993.
4. "Quantitative Imaging of 211At in Small Volumes," E. L. Johnson, T. G. Turkington, R. J. Jaszczak, M. R. Zalutsky, D. R. Gilland, G. Vaidyanathan, K. L. Greer, and R. E. Coleman, Society of Nuclear Medicine Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, June 5-8, 1994.
5. "Pinhole SPECT for Imaging 111In," E. L. Johnson, R. J. Jaszczak, H. Wang, J. Li, and R. E. Coleman, IEEE Medical Imaging Conference, Norfolk, VA, November 3-5, 1994.
6. "Performance Evaluation of the Gammex CT-Sim Laser Positioning System," E. L. Johnson and G. S. Ibbott, AAPM Annual Meeting, Milwaukee WI, July 27-31, 1997.
7. “Instantaneous Blood Flow And Oxygenation Changes Noted In Real Time During Radiation Therapy Delivery In Head/neck Squamous Cancers”, M. R. Kudrimoti, L. Dong, G. Treharne, E. Johnson, S. Stevens, B. Shelton, and G. Yu, ASTRO 2013 Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, September 22-25, 2013.
8. “Mitigation of Increased Surface Dose When Treating Through A Carbon Fiber Couch Top”, F. Misgina and E. L. Johnson, AAPM 58th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., July 31- August 4, 2016.