Damodar Pokhrel, PhD, DABR
(859) 323-7599damodar.pokhrel@uky.edu
- Professor and Director of Clinical Medical Physics
- Associate Director, Medical Physics Residency Program
College Unit(s)
Other Affiliation(s)
- Radiation Medicine - Physicists
Biography and Education
1997-2001 BS, Physics and Mathematics, Central Department of Physics, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal
2003-2005 MS, Low Energy Nuclear Physics, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Ohio University, Athens, OH USA
2005-2010 PhD, Therapeutic Medical Physics (CAMPEP), Medical College of Virginia, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA USA
2010-2012 Medical Physics Residency (CAMPEP), Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern Memorial Hospital, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL USA
Selected Publications
Peer-Reviewed Publications:
1. Paul J Keall, Herbert Cattell, Damodar Pokhrel, Sonja Dieterich, Kenneth Wong, Martin J Murphy, Sastry Vedam, Krishni Wijesooriya and Radhe Mohan. Geometric Accuracy of a system for real time target tracking with dynamic MLC. Int. J. Radia. Onco. Biol. Phys., 6 5 (5), 1579-1584 (2006)
2. D Lazos, D Pokhrel, Z Su, J Lu, and J F Williamson. Experimental validation of a Monte-Carlo based kV X-ray projection model for the Varian linac-mounted Cone-Beam CT imaging system. Proc. of SPIE Vol. 6913, 69133Q (2008)
3. D Pokhrel, M Murphy, D Todor, D Lazos, E Weiss, Y Motai and J F Williamson. Brachytherapy seed localization via iterative forward projection matching algorithm using intra-operative conebeam-CT sinogram projections. in IFMBE Proceedings: World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, September 7 - 12, Munich, Germany, Vol. 25, 307-310 (2009)
4. Martin J Murphy and Damodar Pokhrel. Optimization of an adaptive neural network to predict breathing. Med. Phys. 36 (1), 4 0-47 (2009)
5. Damodar Pokhrel, Martin J Murphy, Dorin A Todor, Elisabeth Weiss, and Jeffrey F Williamson. Clinical application and validation of iterative forward projection matching algorithm for permanent brachytherapy seed localization from conebeam-CT x-ray projections. Med. Phys, 37 (9), 5092-5101 (2010)
6. Dandan Zheng John C Ford, Dimitrios Lazos, Jun Lu, Geoffrey D Hugo, Damodar Pokhrel, Lisha Zhang, Jeffery F Williamson. Bow-tie wobble artifact: Effect of source assembly motion on cone-beam CT. Med. Phys, 38 2508-2514 (2011)
7. Damodar Pokhrel, PhD. Brachytherapy Seed and Applicator Localization via Iterative Forward Projection Matching Algorithm using Digital X-ray Projections. PhD Dissertation, Med. Phys. (2011) tp://www.medphys.org/PhDAbstracts
8. Damodar Pokhrel, Martin J Murphy, Dorin A Todor, Elisabeth Weiss, and Jeffrey F Williamson. Localizing intracavitary brachytherapy applicators from conebeam CT x-ray projections via a novel iterative forward projection matching (IFPM) algorithm. Med. Phys, 38 (8), 1070-1080 (2011)
9. Damodar Pokhrel, Martin J Murphy, Dorin A Todor, Elisabeth Weiss, and Jeffrey F Williamson. Reconstruction of brachytherapy seed positions and orientations from conebeam CT x-ray projections via iterative forward projection matching. Med. Phys, 38 (1), 474-486 (2011)
10. John A Kalapurakal, Damodar Pokhrel, Mahesh Gopalakrishnan, Yunkai Zhang. Advantages of whole liver IMRT in children with wilms tumor and liver metastasis. Int. J. Radia. Onco. Biol. Phys., Vol 85, pp 754-760 (2013)
11. Damodar Pokhrel, Rajeev Badkul, Hongyu Jiang, Parvesh Kumar, Fen Wang. Dosimetric evaluation of Monte Carlo algorithm in iPlan for stereotactic ablative body radiotherapy (SABR) for lung cancer patients using RTOG 0813 parameters. J Appl Clin Med Phys, 16, 349-359 (2015)
12. Damodar Pokhrel, Sumit Sood, Christopher Lominska, Parvesh Kumar, Rajeev Badkul, Hongyu Jiang, and Fen Wang. Potential for reduced radiation-induced toxicity using intensity-modulated arc therapy for whole-brain radiotherapy with hippocampal sparing. J Appl Clin Med Phys, 16, 131-141 (2015)
13. Damodar Pokhrel, Christopher McClinton, Sumit Sood, Rajeev Badkul, Habeeb Saleh, Hongyu Jiang and Christopher Lominska. Monte Carlo evaluation of tissue heterogeneities corrections in the treatment of head and neck cancer patients using stereotactic radiotherapy. J Appl Clin Med Phys, 17, 258-270 (2016)
14. Damodar Pokhrel, Sumit Sood, Rajeev Badkul, Hongyu Jiang, Christopher McClinton, Christopher Lominska, Parvesh Kumar, and Fen Wang. Assessment of Monte Carlo algorithm for compliance with RTOG 0915 dosimetric criteria in peripheral lung cancer patients treated with stereotactic body radiotherapy. J Appl Clin Med Phys, 17, 277-293 (2016)
15. D Pokhrel, S Sood, C McClinton, X Shen, C Lominska, H Saleh, R Badkul, H Jiang, M Mitchell, F Wang. Treatment planning strategy for whole brain radiotherapy with hippocampal sparing and simultaneous integrated boost for multiple brain metastases using intensity modulated arc therapy. Medical Dosimetry, (2016); 41 (4), p315–322
16. Sumit Sood, Damodar Pokhrel, Christopher McClinton, Christopher Lominska, Rajeev Badkul, Hongyu Jiang, Fen Wang. Volumetric-modulated arc therapy (VMAT) for whole brain radiotherapy: not only for hippocampal sparing, but also for reduction of dose to organs at risk. Medical Dosimetry, (2017); 42(4) p375–383
17. Damodar Pokhrel, Rajeev Badkul, Matthew Mallory, Hongyu Jiang, Habeeb Saleh, Fen Wang, Christopher Lominska. On the Use of Volumetric-Modulated Arc Therapy for Single Fraction Thoracic Vertebral Metastases Radiosurgery. Medical Dosimetry 42 (2017) 69–75
18. Damodar Pokhrel, Sumit Sood, Rajeev Badkul, Hongyu Jiang, Habeeb Saleh, Tim Stepp, Paul Camarata, Fen Wang. Linac-Based Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS) in the Treatment of Trigeminal Neuralgia: Detailed Description of SRS Procedural Technique and Reported Clinical Outcomes. J Appl Clin Med Phys (2017) 18 (2) 136–143
19. Matthew Mallory, Damodar Pokhrel, Rajeev Badkul, Hongyu Jiang, Fen Wang, Christopher Lominska. Volumetric modulated arc therapy treatment planning of thoracic vertebral metastases using stereotactic body radiotherapy. J Appl Clin Med Phys, January 2018, 1-8
20. Hongyu Jiang, Rajeev Badkul, Damodar Pokhrel. Dosimetric assessment of an air‐filled balloon applicator in HDR vaginal cuff brachytherapy using the Monte Carlo method. J Appl Clin Med Phys, 2018; 19:3:101–107
21. Lana Sanford, Janelle Molloy, Sameera Kumar, Marcus Randall, Ronald McGarry and Damodar Pokhrel. Evaluation of Plan Quality and Treatment Efficiency for Single-Isocenter/Two-Lesion Lung Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy. J Appl Clin Med Phys 2019; 20:1:118–127
22. Damodar Pokhrel, Lana Sanford, Matthew Halfman and Janelle A. Molloy. Potential Reduction of Lungs Dose via Jaw-Tracking VMAT in the Treatment of Single-Isocenter/Two-Lesion Lung SBRT. J Appl Clin Med Phys 2019; 20:5:55–63
23. Lana Sanford and Damodar Pokhrel. Improving treatment efficiency via photon optimizer (PO) MLC algorithm for synchronous single-isocenter/multiple-lesions VMAT lung SBRT. J Appl Clin Med Phys 2019; 20:10:201–207
24. Damodar Pokhrel, Matthew Halfman and Lana Sanford. FFF-VMAT for SBRT of lung lesions: Improves dose coverage at tumor-lung interface compared to flattened beams. J Appl Clin Med Phys 2020; 21:1:26–35
25. Damodar Pokhrel, Lana Sanford, Bhaswanth Dhanireddy, Janelle Molloy, Marcus Randall and Ronald McGarry. Flattening Filter Free VMAT for a stereotactic, single-dose of 30 Gy in a 15-min treatment slot. J Appl Clin Med Phys 2020; 21:4:6–12
26. Justin Visak, Ronald C McGarry, Damodar Pokhrel. Clinical Validation of Photon Optimizer (PO) Algorithm Against Progressive Resolution Optimizer (PRO) in the Treatment of Single-Dose Lung SBRT. Medical Dosimetry, 2020; 45(4); 321–326
27. Damodar Pokhrel, Matthew Halfman and Lana Sanford. A simple, yet novel hybrid‐dynamic conformal arc therapy planning via flattening filter‐free beam for lung stereotactic body radiotherapy. J Appl Clin Med Phys 2020; 21:6:83–92
28. Damodar Pokhrel, Matthew Halfman, Lana Sanford, Quan Chen and Mahesh Kudrimoti. A novel, yet simple MLC-based 3D-crossfire technique for spatially fractionated GRID therapy treatment of deep-seated bulky tumors. J Appl Clin Med Phys 2020; 21:3:68–74
29. Damodar Pokhrel, Justin Visak, MS and Lana Sanford. A novel and clinically useful dynamic conformal arc (DCA)-based VMAT planning for lung SBRT. J Appl Clin Med Phys 2020; 21:7:29–38
30. Damodar Pokhrel, Lana Sanford, Shilpa Larkin, Marcus Randall and Ronald McGarry. On the use of single-isocenter VMAT plans for SBRT treatment of synchronous multiple lung lesions: Plan quality, treatment efficiency and early clinical outcomes. J Appl Clin Med Phys 2020; 21:8:160–167
31. Sumit S Sood, Damodar Pokhrel, Rajeev Badkul, Mindi TenNapel, Christopher McClinton, Bruce Kimler, Fen Wang. Correlation of clinical outcome, radiobiological modeling of tumor control, normal tissue complication probability in lung cancer patients treated with SBRT using Monte Carlo calculation algorithm. J Appl Clin Med Phys 2020; 21:10:56–62
32. Allison N Palmiero, Lana Sanford Critchfield, Thomas Hunter, William St Clair, Marcus Randall and Damodar Pokhrel. HyperArc VMAT Radiosurgery for Multiple Brain Metastases: Potential Loss of Target (s) Coverage due to Isocenter Misalignment. Cureus, October 30, 2020; 12(10): e11267
33. Damodar Pokhrel, Tanner Tackett, Joseph Stephen, Justin Visak and William St. Clair. Prostate SBRT on Halcyon Linac –Plan Quality, Treatment Efficiency and Delivery Accuracy. J Appl Clin Med Phys 2020; 22; 1–8
34. Justin Visak, Ronald C McGarry, Marcus Randall and Damodar Pokhrel. An Automated Knowledge-Based Planning Routine for Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy of Peripheral Lung Tumors via DCA-Based Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy. J Appl Clin Med Phys 2020; 22; 1–8
35. Justin Visak, Ronald C McGarry, Marcus Randall and Damodar Pokhrel. Development and Clinical Validation of a Robust Knowledge-Based Planning (KBP) Model for Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) Treatment of Centrally Located Lung Tumors. J Appl Clin Med Phys 2020; 22; 1–10
36. Damodar Pokhrel, Allison N Palmiero, Mark E Bernard, and William St Clair. A Novel Dynamic Conformal Arcs-based Single-Isocenter VMAT Planning for Radiosurgery of Multiple Brain Metastases. Medical Dosimetry, 2021; 46;2; 195-200
37. Damodar Pokhrel, Justin Visak, Lana Sanford Critchfield, Joseph Stephen, Mark Bernard, Marcus Randall, Mahesh Kudrimoti. Clinical Validation of Ring-mounted Halcyon Linac for Lung SBRT: Comparison to SBRT-dedicated C-arm Linac Treatments. J Appl Clin Med Phys 2020; 22; 1–10
38. Lana Sanford Critchfield, Mark E Bernard, Marcus Randall, Ronald C McGarry and Damodar Pokhrel, PhD. Risk of Target Coverage Loss for Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy Treatment of Synchronous Lung Lesions via a Single-Isocenter Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy. J Appl Clin Med Phys 2020; 22; 1–10
39. Allison N Palmiero, MS, Denise Fabian, MD, William St Clair, MD, PhD, Marcus Randall, MD and Damodar Pokhrel, PhD. Management of Multiple Brain Metastases via Dual-Isocenter VMAT Stereotactic Radiosurgery. Medical Dosimetry Journal, 3 February, 2021, 1-8
40. Benton Maglinger, MS, Maher Hulou, MD, Christopher McLouth, PhD, Madison Sands, MS, Damodar Pokhrel, PhD, William St. Clair, MD, PhD, Stephen Grupke, MD and Justin F. Fraser, MD. Changes in Angioarchitecture After Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Dural Arteriovenous Fistula. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, 2021; 30 (5); 105676
41. Lana Sanford, Mark E Bernard, Marcus Randall, Ronald C McGarry and Damodar Pokhrel. Automation and Integration of Restricted Single-Isocenter Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (RESIST) Method for Synchronous Two Lung Lesions. J Appl Clin Med Phys 2021; 1–10
42. Damodar Pokhrel, PhD, Aaron Webster, BS, Joseph Stephen MS and William St Clair, MD, PhD. SBRT Treatment of Abdominal and Pelvic Oligometastatic Lymph Nodes using Ring-Mounted Halcyon Linac. J Appl Clin Med Phys 2021; 1–10
43. Letter to the Editor: In Response to Sarkar et al. Clinical Validation of Ring-mounted Halcyon Linac for Lung SBRT: Comparison to SBRT-dedicated C-arm Linac Treatments. J Appl Clin Med Phys 2021; 1–3
44. Lana Sanford Critchfield, Mark E Bernard, Marcus Randall, Ronald C McGarry and Damodar Pokhrel. A Novel Restricted Single-Isocenter Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (RESIST) Method for Synchronous Multiple Lung Lesions that Minimizes Setup Uncertainties. Medical Dosimetry Journal, 2021 (21) S0958-3947
45. Damodar Pokhrel, Joseph Stephen, Aaron Webster, Mark E. Bernard. Double-Vertebral Segment SBRT via Novel Ring-Mounted Halcyon Linac: Plan Quality, Delivery Efficiency and Accuracy. Medical Dosimetry Journal, July 15, 2021
46. Allison N Palmiero, MS, Denise Fabian, MD, William St Clair, MD, PhD, Marcus Randall, MD and Damodar Pokhrel, PhD. Predicting the Effect of Indirect Cell Kill in the Treatment of Multiple Brain Metastases via Single-Isocenter/Multi-Target Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy Stereotactic Radiosurgery. J Appl Clin Med Phys, September 1, 2021
47. Mark E. Bernard, MD, William H. St. Clair, MD, PhD and Damodar Pokhrel, PhD. Gamma Knife Radiosurgery to Four Brainstem Lesions after Whole Brain Radiation Therapy. Cureus, August 5, 2021
50. Justin Visak, MS, Aaron Webster, BS, Mark E. Bernard, MD, Mahesh Kudrimoti, MD, Marcus E. Randall, MD, Ronald C. McGarry, MD, PhD and Damodar Pokhrel, PhD. Fast Generation of Lung SBRT Plans with a Knowledge-Based Planning Model on Ring-Mounted Halcyon Linac. J Appl Clin Med Phys, May 7, 2021
51. Damodar Pokhrel, PhD, Aaron Webster, BS, Mark Bernard, MD, Marc Randall, MD, Mahesh Kudrimoti, MD. Efficacy of SBRT Treatment of Synchronous Two Lung Lesions via a Single-Isocenter VMAT plan on Halcyon RDS. J Appl Clin Med Phys.2022;23: e13555.
52. Allison Palmiero, PhD. Development of a Robust LINAC-based Radiosurgery Program for Multiple Brain Metastases and Estimation of Radiobiological Response of Indirect Cell Kill. Medical Physics, WILEY, [Thesis Advisor, Damodar Pokhrel, PhD. Posted: 01/27/2022] ttps://www.medphys.org/PhDAbstracts/
53. Damodar Pokhrel, PhD, Mark E Bernard, MD, Jeremiah Johnson, MD, Denise Fabian, MD, Mahesh Kudrimoti, MD. HyperArc VMAT SRT for Locally Recurrent Previously-Irradiated Head and Neck Cancers: Plan Quality, Treatment Delivery Accuracy and Efficiency. J Appl Clin Med Phys.2022; 23: e13561.
54. Damodar Pokhrel, PhD, Richard Mallory, BS, Matthew Bush, MD, PhD, William St. Clair, MD, PhD, Mark E. Bernard, MD. Feasibility Study of Stereotactic Radiosurgery Treatment of Glomus Jugulare Tumors via HyperArc VMAT. Medical Dosimetry Journal, June 15, 2022; 1-5
55. Damodar Pokhrel, PhD, Mark E Bernard, MD, Richard Mallory, BS, William St Clair, MD, PhD and Mahesh Kudrimoti, MD. Conebeam CT-Guided 3D MLC-Based Spatially Fractionated Radiation Therapy for Bulky Masses. J Appl Clin Med Phys.2022; 23: e13608.
56. Damodar Pokhrel, PhD, Mark E. Bernard, MD, James Knight II, MD, William St. Clair, MD, PhD, Justin F. Fraser, MD. Clinical validation of novel lightning dose optimizer for gamma knife radiosurgery of irregular-shaped arteriovenous malformations and pituitary adenomas. J Appl Clin Med Phys.2022; e13669.
57. Damodar Pokhrel, PhD, Richard Mallory, MS, and Mark E Bernard, MD. The Spatial Accuracy of Ring-Mounted Halcyon Linac versus C-arm TrueBeam Linac for Single-Isocenter/Multi-Target SBRT Treatment. Medical Dosimetry Journal, Article in Press, April 13, 2023
58. James Knight II, Damodar Pokhrel, Mahesh Kudrimoti, Jeremiah Johnson. Safety and Efficacy of HyperArc Stereotactic Radiotherapy (SRT) for Large Recurrent Head and Neck Cancers. Cureus, 2023 RSS Scientific Meeting, March 23-25, 2023
59. Damodar Pokhrel, James Knight II, Mark E. Bernard, William St Clair, Mahesh Kudrimoti. Safety and Efficacy of Novel 3D-Conformal MLC-Based Spatially Fractionated Radiation Therapy (SFRT) Treatment on “Same Day” via Conebeam-CT Guidance for Management of Bulky Tumors. Cureus, 2023 RSS Scientific Meeting, March 23-25, 2023
60. Damodar Pokhrel, PhD, Mason Bradley Smith, MA, Alexander Volk, MS, and Mark E. Bernard, MD. Benchmarking Halcyon Ring Delivery System for Hypofractionated Breast Radiotherapy: Validation and Clinical Implementation of the Fast-Forward Trial. J Appl Clin Med Phys.2023; e14047.
61. Damodar Pokhrel, PhD, Richard Mallory, MS, Mark E Bernard, MD, and Mahesh Kudrimoti, MD. How Much Rotational Error is Clinically Acceptable for Single-Isocenter/Two-Lesion Lung SBRT Treatment on Halcyon Ring Delivery System (RDS)? Accepted. J Appl Clin Med Phys. 2023 (May 30)
62. Joshua Misa, Shane McCarthy, William St. Clair, Damodar Pokhrel. Development and Quality Assurance of Multileaf Collimator (MLC) Auto-Feathering Junctions for Multi-Isocenter Supine Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT) Craniospinal Axis Irradiation on Halcyon. Cureus 15(9): e45640. doi:10.7759/cureus.45640
63. Brien Washington, Dennis Cheek, Denise Fabian, Mahesh Kudrimoti, Damodar Pokhrel, Chi Wang, Cameron Thayer-Freeman, Wei Luo. Effects of interfraction dose variations of target and organs at risk on clinical outcomes in high dose rate brachytherapy for cervical cancer. Cancers, September 29, 2023 (Article in Press).
64. Damodar Pokhrel, Josh Misa, Shane McCarthy, Eddy S Yang. Two Novel Stereotactic Radiotherapy Methods for Locally Advanced, Previously Irradiated Head and Neck Cancers Patients. Medical Dosimetry, September 29, 2023 (Article in Press)
65. Heng Li, Nina A Mayr, Robert J Griffin, Hualin Zhang, Damodar Pokhrel, et al. Overview and recommendations for prospective multi-institutional clinical trials of Spatially Fractionated Radiation Therapy (SFRT). International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics (Article in Press); Published online: December 16, 2023
66. Josh Misa, Shane McCarthy, William St Clair, Damodar Pokhrel. Stereotactic Radiotherapy (SRT) of Intracranial Tumor Beds on a Ring-Mounted Halcyon LINAC. Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics (Article in Press); January 4, 2024
67. D Pokhrel, S McCarthy, J Misa, T Pittman, W St Clair. The Role of Frameless HyperArc Radiosurgery Program in a Historic Gamma Knife Center. Cureus Journal of Medical Science, March 06, 2024
68. S McCarthy, W St Clair, D Pokhrel. Leveraging Machine Learning to Reduce Simulation to Treatment Time: Single-Isocenter Multi-Lesion Brain Stereotactic Radiosurgery. Cureus Journal of Medical Science, March 06, 2024
69. J Misa, JA Knight, D Pokhrel. Is it Safe and Feasible to Deliver a 30-Gy Single High-Dose to Solitary Lung Lesion via SBRT on the Current Halcyon Ring Delivery System? Cureus Journal of Medical Science, March 06, 2024
70. D Pokhrel, J A. Knight, J Misa, M E. Bernard, D Fabian, W St Clair. The Role of Novel MLC-Based 3D-Conformal Spatially Fractionated Radiation Therapy (SFRT) Treatment in the Management of Large and Bulky Tumors. Cureus Journal of Medical Science, March 06, 2024
71. J Johnson, ME Bernard, D Fabian, W St Clair, D Pokhrel. Early Clinical Outcomes of Single-Isocenter/Multi-Lesion (SIML) HyperArc Brain Stereotactic Radiotherapy. Cureus Journal of Medical Science, March 06, 2024
72. J Knight II, R C McGarry, J Johnson, D Pokhrel. Single-Fraction Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) Treatment to Early-Stage Primary Lung Tumors or Oligometastatic Lesions Confers Effective Local Control with Minimal Toxicity. Cureus Journal of Medical Science, March 06, 2024
73. J Misa, J A Knight, D Pokhrel. Automation of Novel MLC-Based Spatially Fractionated Radiation Therapy Method for Unresectable Bulky Tumors Incorporating Spatial BED Evaluation Tool for Highly Heterogenous Dose Distributions. Cureus Journal of Medical Science, March 06, 2024
74. Joshua Misa, James A. Knight, Damodar Pokhrel. Feasibility of a Single-Fraction Stereotactic Dose of 30 Gy to Solitary Lung Lesions on Halcyon. Cureus 16 (5), May 2, 2024
75. Misa J, Volk A, Bernard ME, Clair WS, Pokhrel D. Dosimetric impact of intrafraction patient motion on MLC-based 3D-conformal spatially fractionated radiation therapy treatment of large and bulky tumors. J Appl Clin Med Phys. 2024;e14469.
76. McCarthy S, Clark R, Magliari A, St. Clair W, Pokhrel D. Automated hippocampal sparing whole brain radiotherapy with simultaneous integrated boost for multiple brain metastases: Halcyon, HyperArc on TrueBeam, and coplanar TrueBeam. J Appl Clin Med Phys. 2024;e14570. https://doi.org/10.1002/acm2.14570
77. Pokhrel D, Knight J A, Misa J, et al. (March 05, 2025). Patient-Reported Clinical Outcomes of MLC-Based Spatially Fractionated Radiotherapy Following Offline Adaptive Radiotherapy for Large and Bulky Unresectable Head and Neck Tumors. Cureus 17(3): a1468
78. Misa J, St Clair W, Pokhrel D (March 05, 2025). Radiobiological Modeling of Indirect Cell-Kill Mechanisms in Spatially Fractionated Radiation Therapy (SFRT) Treatment of Large and Bulky Unresectable Tumors. Cureus 17(3): a1482
79. McCarthy S, St Clair W, Pokhrel D (March 05, 2025). Reducing the Number of Fractions for LINAC-Based Stereotactic Radiotherapy of Brain Metastases: Improved Target BED with Comparable Normal Brain Toxicity. Cureus 17(3): a1489
80. Pokhrel D, Misa J, McCarthy S, et al. (March 05, 2025). Reporting Clinical Results of EPID-Based Patient-Specific Quality Assurance for Brain SRS/SRT: Demonstrating the Feasibility of Same Day Stereotactic Radiosurgery via HyperArc Delivery. Cureus 17(3): a1491
81. Misa J, Pokhrel D (March 05, 2025). Escalating Spatially Fractionated Radiotherapy Prescription Dose via Differential Hole-Sizes and HoleSpacing in the Management of Large and Bulky Deep-Seated Tumors. Cureus 17(3): a1416
82. McCarthy S, St Clair W, Yang E, Pokhrel D. (March 05, 2025). Supplementing of a HyperArc-Based RapidPlan Model with Multicriteria Optimization for the Management of Complex Recurrent Head and Neck Stereotactic Radiotherapy. Cureus 17(3): a1503
83. McCarthy S, St. Clair W, Pokhrel D. A knowledge-based planning model to identify fraction-reduction opportunities in brain stereotactic radiotherapy. J Appl Clin Med Phys. 2025; e70055. https://doi.org/10.1002/acm2.70055