Following his  Integrated Biomedical Sciences year, Joshua Moses completed an internship with the college’s Office of Strategic Communications focused on science communication. Of the experience, he said "the biggest impact that this internship has had on me is that it showed me that I can do this career,” said Moses. “And I am pretty good at it." 

Further proof that he's "pretty good at it", Moses, a second-year graduate student in physiology, recently earned first place in the Brain Awareness Video Contest (BAVC).

BAVC is an annual competition held by and the Society for Neuroscience to showcase videos of entertaining and educational neuroscience concepts and activities. Since the launch of the contest in 2011, BrainFacts has featured over 100 of these imaginative, brainy videos from contestants around the world.

Moses created a fun and informative video about the brain-blood barrier (BBB). The BBB is a selective semi-permeable membrane between the blood and the interstitium of the brain, allowing cerebral blood vessels to regulate molecule and ion movement between the blood and the brain. Moses uses his video to explain the BBB, its structure, and how it works. 

Watch the "The BBB and Its Story!" >>>