
The NIH Center of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) on Obesity and Cardiovascular Diseases, in collaboration with the Center for Clinical and Translational Sciences (CCTS) announce the availability of limited funds to support pilot projects focused on research examining obesity-associated diseases (cardiovascular, diabetes, others). These pilot grants are intended to assist investigators new to this area of research to generate sufficient data to be competitive for extramural funding. 


Six teams of researchers and physician scientists have become the inaugural recipients of pilot funding from the new Multidisciplinary Value Program (MVP), which aims to boost team science that will impact University of Kentucky patients and wellbeing in the Commonwealth. Each MVP team will launch a new clinical trial that brings cutting-edge science to patients and communities.

University of Kentucky Sanders-Brown Center on Aging (SBCoA) is hosting its sixth annual Markesbery Symposium on Aging and Dementia on Nov. 4-5. This two-day program will offer sessions for both the scientific and community audiences. Clinicians and researchers from UK and other institutions will come together to share current findings, trends and the latest updates on dementia and aging disorders, particularly as related to Alzheimer’s disease. The Markesbery Symposium is in honor of the late Dr. William R.
Dr. Ginny Sprang, professor in the University of Kentucky Department of Psychiatry and executive director of UK’s Center on Trauma and Children (CTAC), has been awarded a $2 million grant from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. When Sprang began her research she focused on the field of traumatic stress, investigating event-specific factors that influenced how trauma manifested in people of all ages. Her experience as a psychotherapist working with violence exposed children began to shape the trauma research she conducted.

Robert DiPaola, dean of the University of Kentucky College of Medicine, was featured during "UK at the Half" that aired during the UK at Florida football game, broadcast on radio Sept. 10.

DiPaola, who came to UK March 1, talks about his impressions of the college and the university, including the collaborative nature, strong leadership and strength of faculty.


The University of Kentucky Albert B. Chandler Hospital is one of the nation’s “100 Hospitals and Health Systems with Great Oncology Programs” in Becker’s Hospital Review magazine's recently released compilation of leading cancer care providers in the United States. The UK Markey Cancer Center, whose clinical programs are integrated with UK Chandler Hospital, received a National Cancer Institute cancer center designation in July 2013.

University of Kentucky College of Medicine Professor Matthew Gentry will direct a team international scientists recently awarded a five-year, $8.5 million National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant to pursue a cure for Lafora’s disease. The International Epilepsy Cure Center based at the UK College of Medicine’s Department of Molecular Medicine and Biochemistry represents a collaborative effort to advance translational research and improve the diagnosis and treatment of Lafora’s disease, with the ultimate goal of finding a cure.
In ivory towers all over the world, experts ponder the factors that foster career success and overall well-being in their college graduates. Gallup tried to answer the same question. In a 2014 poll of more than 30,000 graduates, the polling juggernaut tried to find connections between the college experience and long-term career and personal "wellness." In other words: did graduates feel they had achieved personal and career success?
The University of Kentucky Markey Cancer Center and the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society hosted their fifth annual "Meet the Researchers Day" last week.

This story was originally published on UKNow.

LEXINGTON, Ky. (March 25, 2016) — When you ask Brett Spear about what he most admires in his wife and colleague, Martha Peterson, a smile instantly appears on his face.

Students, staff, faculty and friends are invited to attend the Sue Fosson Spring Humanities Festival: A Celebration of the Arts. The event will take place from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., March 23 in the University of Kentucky Singletary Center for the Arts. Faculty and staff from across the UK HealthCare clinical enterprise and the health professions colleges, including students from the College of Medicine and the College of Pharmacy, will be performing. There will be music, dancing, poetry reading, and even magic. It will be an evening full of wonderful entertainment.

As an academic, research and health enterprise, discovery is at the core of the University of Kentucky’s mission — which is why research and scholarship serve as one of the five strategic objectives outlined in the 2015-2020 UK Strategic Plan. 

As one of only eight public institutions in the U.S. with colleges of Agriculture, Engineering, Medicine and Pharmacy on a single campus, UK is especially poised for groundbreaking discoveries and unique interdisciplinary collaboration.

The University of Kentucky College of Medicine recently hosted the eighth annual Postdoctoral Poster Presentation Session where three students received top honors for significant research in diverse medical science subjects. Nineteen posters from the basic and clinical sciences were presented in the atrium of the Biomedical Biological Sciences Research Building in December. The program is designed as a training exercise to prepare postdoctoral students for presenting research at conferences.
In the late 1990s, Donna Wilcock was exploring electrical activity in the epileptic brain as part of her undergraduate study in England, but her focus took an interesting turn as her studies into brain function deepened. "I began to wonder what, exactly, was going wrong in the brain as people developed dementia? What made them forget things?" said Wilcock.
Assistant Professor Joe Abisambra, researcher at the University of Kentucky Sanders-Brown Center on Aging, has demonstrated for the first time that tau impairs protein synthesis — a key component in memory loss. "Though the exact mechanisms leading to memory loss in tauopathies are not yet known, the scientific community has acknowledged for years that in Alzheimer’s disease brains, tau associates with ribosomes, the hub of protein production. " said Abisambra. Ribosomes are our cellular "factories," tasked with making the proteins essential to proper cellular function.
Reducing excessive medical costs associated with high hospital readmission rates is a pillar of health care reform. From 2007 to 2011, as many as 19 percent of patients in the United States returned to hospitals less than a month after discharge, accounting for an estimated $15 million in preventable hospitalization costs. In an effort to prevent adverse outcomes for chronically ill and aging patients and reduce the burden of cost on the government, Medicare providers have implemented transitional care management programs (TCMs) as a bundled component of Medicare payment plans.
University of Kentucky Provost Tim Tracy and Executive Vice President for Health Affairs Dr. Michael Karpf announced Monday that Dr. Robert DiPaola, director of the Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey and Vice Chancellor for Cancer Programs, Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences, has been named dean of the University of Kentucky College of Medicine. Dr.

Every day throughout 2015, University of Kentucky physiologist Ken Campbell laced up his running shoes and took off for a 5-kilometer run, regardless of his schedule, plans or location.

Regular running routes were plotted through his neighborhood and around the university’s campus. When traveling on business, he explored new territories and scenery on his runs. He also logged many miles running next to students on treadmills at the Johnson Center. Nothing stopped Campbell from completing a "5K a day." 

The University of Kentucky Markey Cancer Foundation is pleased to announce the hiring of Michael Delzotti, CFRE, CSPG, as new president and chief executive officer. Delzotti will begin his new role in early December. The UK Markey Cancer Foundation serves as the fundraising arm for the UK Markey Cancer Center, the only National Cancer Institute-designated cancer center serving Kentucky and the surrounding Appalachian area.

For University of Kentucky Vice President for Research Lisa Cassis the drive to conduct meaningful research is personal.

 “You don’t go into it for the money, you go into it because you want to help people,” Cassis said.