A work-life balance is an important aspect of a healthy graduate career. The social committee helps foster and maintain this balance throughout our biomedical science students’ graduate lives. By hosting events and activities, the committee helps develop and maintain personal connections of members within and between departments and inject some fun into the highly demanding graduate school experience.
The Outreach Committee develops activities and creates opportunities to educate and expose the general public to scientific research. We organize and participate in service events to encourage the biomedical graduate students to interact with and give back to the local community. Our goal is to generate creative ways of engaging young people in science and establishing an open dialogue with the community as a whole about the value of research we do at the University of Kentucky.
Networking is a fundamental part of science whether for collaborations or potential future careers. The networking committee aims to connect all past and current biomedical graduate students to create a network of professional and academic opportunities. Building relations with Alumni who have diverse careers allows current students to broaden their ambitions and develop their career interests. Events will tailor to modern technology, taking advantage of many professional networking platforms like Researchgate, and LinkedIn. The networking committee will be working closely with the Professional Development committee in order to inform students of various science career paths and relevant networking opportunities.
Professional Development
The professional development committee supports and enhances the professional development of biomedical science graduate students through training, networking, seminars and other activities. We will provide students with opportunities to enrich their scientific and non-scientific skill set. These supplemental professional development skills will enhance their graduate work, as well as help students, make the transition from training positions to various professional areas of interest, including academic positions, industrial positions, administrative positions, and other alternative careers.