Renal Pathology
The renal pathology laboratory is located in the main UK Histology Laboratory on the fourth floor of Chandler Hospital.
Faculty and Staff
- Virgilius Cornea, MD
- Fritz Lower, MD
- Monika Ellis
Laboratory Technologist - Jamie Howard
Immunohistochemistry Technician
The renal pathology laboratory offers immediate tissue adequacy evaluation of renal biopsies performed at the UK Albert B. Chandler Hospital and UK Good Samaritan Hospital. All biopsies are reviewed by two experienced faculty members with fellowship training in renal pathology. Preliminary results of the biopsy are discussed with the referring nephrologist to facilitate clinical-pathological correlation and followed up with a final written report when all studies are completed. The service is actively involved in collaborative research with the nephrology division and the renal transplant service.
The renal pathology faculty participates in the second-year medical school renal course each year by providing lectures covering glomerular, tubulointerstitial, and vascular disorders of the kidney.
Renal pathology didactic training is provided to pathology residents and nephrology fellows via didactic lectures, unknown slide conferences, and weekly renal clinical-pathologic correlation conferences in conjunction with the nephrology division.