Profile picture for user tlgr229

Tanya Graf


(859) 323-5254
741 S. Limestone, BBSRB B253, Lexington, KY 40536


  • Director of Communications

College Unit(s)

Biography and Education


B.S., Nutrition, Texas A&M University

M.S., Nutrition and Food Science, Texas A&M University

Selected Publications

Graf, TL, SL Boleman, LP Krook, DR Su, HJ Mersmann, JW Savell and WG Pond. 1998. Neonatal dietary cholesterol does not exacerbate aortic myogenic fiber degeneration in pigs with genetically high or low plasma cholesterol and fed a high cholesterol-high fat post weaning diet. Nutrition Research Vol. 18, No. 9: 1615-1629.

Boleman, SL, TL Graf, HJ Mersmann, DR Su, JW Savell, LP Krook, WG Pond. 1998. Neonatal dietary cholesterol increases cerebrum cholesterol in young adult pigs. The Journal of Nutrition 128: 2498-2504.