Molly Tovar, MD
- Assistant Professor
College Unit(s)
Biography and Education
B.A. in Biology - Yale University (1997)
MD - Columbia University (2001)
AP/CP Residency - University of Kentucky (2006)
Surgical Pathology Fellowship - University of Kentucky (2007)
Cytopathology Fellowship - University of Kentucky (2008)
Publications & Other Scholarly Work
Selected Publications
Publications & Other Scholarly Work
1 DeSimone CP, Day ME, Dietrich CS, Tovar MM, Modesitt SC. The risk of residual adenocarcinoma in situ (AIS) or cervical adenocarcinoma in women undergoing LEEP/conization for AIS. J Reprod Med 2011 (Accepted).
2 Tovar MM, Cibull ML, DeSimone CP, Karabakhtsian RG. Expression of potential biomarkers MCM5 and CDC6 in coexisting in-situ and invasive squamous cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix. Mod Pathol. 2008 21(Suppl 1): 227A. Abstract 1038.
3 DeSimone CP, Day ME, Tovar MM, Dietrich III CS, Eastham ML, Modesitt SC. Rate of pathology from atypical glandular cell Pap tests classified by the Bethesda 2001 nomenclature. Obstet Gynecol. 2006 107: 1285-1291.
4 Drehs MM, Cook-Bolden F, Tanzi EL, Weinberg JM. Successful Treatment of multiple superficial basal cell carcinomas with topical imiquimod: case report and review of the literature. Dermatol Surg. 2002 May,28(5):427-9. Review.
5 Gilbert J, Drehs MM, Weinberg JM. Topical imiquimod treatment of human papillomavirus in patients with human immunodeficiencyvirus [Letter]. Acta Derm Venereol (Stockh). 2001.Aug-Sept;81(4):301-2.
6 Gilbert J, Drehs MM, Weinberg JM. Topical imiquimod for Acyclovir unresponsive herpes simplex virus (HSV)-2 infection. Arch Dermatol. 2001:137.
7 Jung E, Feldhoff RC, Walz BM, Drehs MM, Buchheit JQ, and Lassiter HA. Complement component C9 enhances the capacity of Beta-lactam antibiotics to kill Escherichia coli in vitro and in vivo. Am J Med Sci. 1998; 315(5):307-313.
8 Lassiter H, Jung E, Walz B, Drehs MM, Feldhoff R. Potentiation of Cefotaxime with complement component C9 in neonatal E.coli sepsis. Mol Immunol. 1996:33 (suppl 1):24. (Abstract #96)
9 Jung EJ, Walz BM, Drehs MM, Feldhoff RC, Lassiter HA. Complement component C9 (C9) potentiates the protective effect of Cefotaxime in neonatal rat septic with E. Coli. Pediatr Res 1996:39: 296A.Author(s) [bold your name]. Title. Journal. Year; Volume: Pages.