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Eun Young Lee, MD

MS 127


  • Professor

College Unit(s)

Biography and Education


MD - Kyung Hee University (1978)
AP/CP Residency - University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey (1987)
Gastrointestinal Pathology Fellowship - Washington University School of Medicine (1989)

Selected Publications

Publications & Other Scholarly Work:

1     Xie Y, Zhang W, Guo L, Kril LM, Begley KL, Sviriga VM, Chen X, Liu X, Lee EY, He D, Wang C, Gao T, Liu X, Evers BM, Watt DS, Liu C. Potent synergistic effect on c-Myc driven colorectal cancers using a novel indole-substituted Quinoline with a PLK1 inhibitor. Mol Cancer Ther. DOI:10:1158/1535-7163 MCT-20-1017 (September 2, 2021)

2     Kim JT, Napier DL, Kim J, Li C, Lee EY, Weiss HL, Wang Q, Evers BM. Ketogenesis alleviates TNF a-induced apoptosis and inflammatory responses in intestinal cells. Free Radical Biology. 172:90-100, 2021

3     Johnson J, Chow Z, Lee EY, Weiss HL, Evers BM, Rychahou P. Role of Akt and AMPk in triple negative breast cancer lung metastasis. Neoplasia. 23(4):429-438, 2021

4     Gwag T, Mooli RG, Li D, Lee S, Lee EY, Wang S. Macrophage-derived thromboplastin 1 promotes obesity-associated non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. JHEP Rep. 2021 Feb: 3(1): 100193

5     Drury J, Rychahou P, Jafari N, Lee EY, Weiss H, Wang C, He D, Evers M, Zaytseva. Inhibition of fatty acid synthase upregulates expression of CD36 to sustain proliferation of colorectal cancer cells Front. Oncol. 10: 1185, 2020

6     Guo Y, Ye Q, Deng P, Zhou Z, He D, She BM, Wang C, Zaytseva Y, Lee EY, Morris AJ, She Q-B. Spermine synthase and MYC cooperate to maintain colorectal cancer cell survival by repressing Bim expression. Nature Communications. 11: 3243, 2020

7     Johnson J, Chow Z, Napier D, Lee EY, Weiss HL, Evers M, Rychahou P. Targeting p13K and AMPKa signaling alone or in combination to enhance radiosensitivity of triple negative breast cancer. Cells. 9:1253-1268, 2020

8     Liu J, He D, Cheng L, Huang C, Zhang Y, Rao X, Kong Y, Li C, Lu J, Jones K, Napier D, Lee EY, Wang C, Liu X. p300 inhibition enhances the efficacy of programmed death-ligand 1 blockade treatment in prostate cancer. Oncogene. 39:3939-3951, 2020

9     Li C., Zhou Y, Rychahou P, Weiss H, Lee EY, Perry CL, Barrett T, Evers M, Q Wang. SITR2 contributes to the regulation of intestinal cell proliferation and differentiation. Cell Mol Gastroenterol Hepatol. 10:43-57, 2020

10   Tharappel JC, Wennergren JE, Lee EY, Madabhushi VV, Plymale MA, Roth JS. A comparative analysis of ventral hernia repair with a porcine hepatic-derived matrix and porcine dermal matrix. Int J Abdom Wall Hernia Surg. 2107-113, 2019

11   Li Y, Xiao Y, Lin H-P, Bae Y, Lee EY, Jiang Y, Huang X, Yang C, Wang Z. In vivo b-catenin attenuation by the Integrin α5-targeting nano-delivery strategy suppresses triple negative breast cancer stemness and lung metastasis. Biomaterials. 188: 160-72, 2019

12   Lippert WC, Lee EY, Mirrakhimov AE. A women, age 35, with new-onset ascites. Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine. 86: 257-262, 2019

13   Jafari N, Drury J, Morris AJ, Onono FO, Stevens PD, Gao T, Lee EY, Weiss HL, Evers BM, Zaytseva, Wang C, Liu J. De novo fatty acid synthesis driven sphingolipid metabolism promotes metastatic potential of colorectal cancer. Molecular Cancer Research. MCR17: 140-52, 2019

14   Petriello MC, Brandon JA, Hoffman j, Wang C, Tripathi H, Abdel-Latif A, Ye X, Li X, Yang L, Lee EY, Jackson J, Wahlang B, Henning B, Morris AJ. Dioxin-like PCB 126 increases systemic inflammation and accelerates atherosclerosis in lean Ldir deficient mice. Toxicol Sci. 162:548-58, 2018

15   Zaytseva Y, Rychahou P, Le A-T, Scott TL, Flight RM, Kim JT, Harris JW, Liu J, Wang C, Morris AJ, Sivakumaran TA, Fan T WM, Mosley HNB, Gao T, Lee EY, Weiss HL, Heuer T, Kemble G, Evers BM. Preclinical evaluation of novel fatty acid synthase inhibitors in primary colorectal cancer cells and a patient-derived xenograft model of colorectal cancer. Oncotarget. 37:24787-800, 2018

16   Yi J, Lee EY, Ro JY. The 15th Spring Seminar of the Korean Pathologists Association of North America (Editorial), KOPANA 2016 Spring Seminar. Arch Path Lab Med. 142:801-3, 2018

17   Wang Q, Zhou Y, Rychahou P, Harris J, Zaytseva Y, Liu j, Wang C, Weiss H, Liu C, Lee EY, Evers BM. Deptor is a novel target of Wnt/b-catenin/c-Myc and contributes to colorectal cancer cell growth. Cancer Research. 78:3163-75, 2018

18   Rychahou P, Bae Y., Reichel D, Zaytseva Y, Lee EY, Napier D, Weiss HL, Roller N, Frohman H, Le AT, Evers BM. Colorectal cancer lung metastasis treatment with polymer-drug nanoparticles. Journal of Controlled Release: Official Journal of the Controlled Release Society. 275:85-91, 2018

19   Kim JT, Napier DL, Weiss HL, Lee EY, Townsend, Jr. CM, Evers BM. Neurotensin receptor 3/sortilin contributes to tumorigenesis of neuroendocrine tumors through augmentation of cell adhesion and migration. Neoplasia. 20:175-81, 2018

20   Glauert HP, Elliot RS, Han SG, Athey M, EY Lee, Gairola G. Effect of cigarette smoke exposure and mutant Ras overexpression on pancreatic cell proliferation. Oncology Letters. 13:1939-43, 2017

21   Kubajak C, Lui SK, Vilchez V, Cartwright T, Ayoob A, Lee EY, Gedaly R. Perivascular epithelial cell tumor: a rare liver primary of mesenchymal origin. Surgery Curr Res. 6:275, 2016

22   Vilchez V, Turcios L, Zaytseva Y, Stewart R, Lee EY, Maynard E, Shah M, Daily M,, Tzeng CD, Davenport D, Castellanos AL, Krohmer S, Hosein PJ, Evers M, Gedaly R. Cancer stem cell marker expression alone and in combination with microvascular invasion predicts poor prognosis in patients undergoing liver transplantation for hepatocellular carcinoma. Am J Surgery, 212:238-45, 2016

23   Lee EY, ES Yu, Ro JY. The 14th Spring Seminar of the Korean Pathologists Association of North America (Editorial), KOPANA 2015 Spring Seminar. Arch Path Lab Med, 140: 394-396, 2016

24   Zaytseva Y, Harris JW, Mitov MI, Kim JT, Butterfield DA, Lee EY, Weiss HL, Gao T, Evers BM. Increased expression of fatty acid synthase provides a survival advantage to colorectal cancer cells via upregulation of cellular respiration.  Oncotarget 2015 Aug 7;6(22):18891-904. PMID: 25970773

25   Rychahou P, Shu Y, Harque F, Zaytseva Y, Elliot VA, Weiss HL, Lee EY, Mustain WC, Valentino JD, Guo P, Gilbreath D, Evers BM. Delivery of RNA nanoparticles into colorectal cancer metastases following systemic administration. ACS Nano 9 (2), pp 1108–1116, 2015.

26   Kim JT, Li J, Song J, Lee EY, Weiss H, Townsend C, Evers BM. Differential expression and tumorigenic function of neurotensin receptor 1 in neuroendocrine tumor cells. Oncotarget. 2015 Jul 27. PMID: 26298774

27   Angulo P, George J, Day CP, Vanni E, Russell L, De la Cruz AC, Liaquat H, Mezzabotta L, Lee EY, Bugianesi E. Serum ferritin levels lack diagnostic accuracy for liver fibrosis in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2(7):1163-1169, 2014.

28   Sviripa VM, Zhang W, Balia AG, Tsodikov OV, Nickell JR, Gizard F, Yu T, Lee EY, Dwaskin LP, Liu C, Watt DS, 2’,6’-Dihalostyryanilines, pyridines, and pyrimidines for the inhibition of the catalytic subunit of methionine S-adenosyltransferase-2.  J Med Chem 57(14):6083-91, 2014.

29   Zaytseva Y, Elliot VA, Rychahou PG, Mustain WC, Kim JT, Valentino JD, Gao T, O’Connor K, Neltner JM, Lee EY, Weiss HL, Gilbreath DA, Evers BM. Cancer cell-associated fatty acid synthase activates endothelial cells and promotes angiogenesis in colorectal cancer. Carcinogenesis 35(6):1341-51, 2014.

30   Li X, Stevens P, Liu J, Yang H, Wang H, Schmidt M, Lee EY, Gao T. PHLPP is a negative regulator of RAF1, which reduces colon cancer cell motility and prevents tumor progression in mice.  Gastroenterology 146(5):1301-2, 2014.   

31   Park JE, Ao L, Miller Z, Kim K, Wu Y, Jang ER, Lee EY, Kim KB, Lee W. PSMB9 codon 60 polymorphisms have no impact on the activity of immunoproteasome catalytic subunit <beta>1i expressed in multiple types of solid cancer. PLoS ONE 8: e73732, 2013

32   Kim JT, Li J, Jang ER, Gulhati P, Rychahou P, Wang C, Weiss H, Lee EY, Anthony L, Townsend CM, Liu C, Evers BM. Deregulation of Wnt/ß-catenin signaling through genetic or epigenetic alterations in human neuroendocrine tumors. Carcinogenesis 34(5):953-61, 2013.

33   Wang Q, Zhu J, Zhang Y, Sun Z, Guo X, Wang X, Lee EY, Bakthavatchalu V, Yang Q, Yang HS. Down-regulation of Pdcd4 leads to epithelial to parenchymal in nude mice. Eur J Cancer 49(7):1761-70, 2013.

34   Glauert HP, Martin JB, Li J, Tharappel JC, Han SG, Gillespie HD, Cantor AH, Lee EY, Gairola CG. Dietary selenium fails to influence cigarette smoke-induced lung tumorigenesis in A/J mice. Cancer Letters 334: 127-132, 2013.

35   Okamura D, Starr M, Evers M, Stromberg A, Lee EY, Saito H. Age-dependent vulnerability to experimental Acute pancreatitis is associated with increased systemic inflammation and thrombosis. Aging Cell 11: 760-9, 2012.

36   Gulhati P, Zaytseva Y, Valentino JD, Stevens PD, Kim JT, Sasazuki T, Shirasawa S, Lee EY, Weiss HL, Dong J, Gao T, Evers BM. Sorafenib enhances the therapeutic efficacy of rapamycin in colorectal cancersharboring oncogenic KRAS and PIK3CA. Carcinogenesis 33(9):1782-90, 2012.

37   Wang X, Mandal A, Saito H, Pulliam  J, Lee EY, Lu J, Li L, Shelton B, Tucker T, Evers M, Zhang Z, Shi X. Arsenic and chromium in drinking water promote tumorigenesis in a mouse colitis-associated colorectal cancer model through ROS-mediated Wnt/ß-catenin signaling pathway. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 262:11-21, 2012.

38   Arora R, Eble JN, Pierce HH, Crispen PL, DeSimone CP, Lee EY, Karabakhtsian R. Bilateral ovarian  steroid cell tumors and massive macronodular adrenocortical disease in a patient with hereditary leiomyomatosis and renal cancer syndrome. Pathology 44:360-3, 2012.

39   Zaytseva Y, Rychahou PG, Gulhati P, Elliot VA, Mustain WC, O’Connor K, Morris AJ, Sunkara M, Weiss HL, Lee EY, Evers BM. Inhibition of fatty acid synthase attenuates CD44-associated signaling  and reduces metastasis in colorectal cancer. Cancer Res 72:1504-17, 2012.

40   Yu T, Chen X, Zhang W, Colon D, Shi J, Napier D, Rychahou P, Lee EY, Weiss HL, Evers BM, Liu C. Regulation of the potential marker for intestinal cells, Bmil, by ß-catenin and the zinc finger protein KLF4: implication for colon cancer. J Biol Chem 287:3760-8, 2012.

41   Bunaciu RP, Tharappel JC, Lehmler HJ, Lee EY, Robertson LW, Bruckner G, Spear BT, Glauert HP. Role of oil vehicle on hepatic cell proliferation in PCB-treated rats. J Environ Pathol Toxicol Oncol 30:273-82, 2011

42   Bishu S, Arsenescu V, Vargas DH, Lee EY, de Villiers WJS, Arsenescu R. Autoimmune enteropathy with a CD8+ CD7- T-cell small bowel intraepithelial lymphocytosis: case report and literature review. BMC Gastroenterology 11:131-40, 2011.

43   Chung M, Pittenger J, Flomenhoft D, Bennett J, Lee EY, Shashidhar H. Atypical clinical and Diagnostic features in Menetrier’s disease in a child. Gastrointestinal Medicine 10.1155/2011/48060, 2011.

44   Gulhati P, Bowen KA, Liu J, Stevens PD, Rychahou PG, Chen M, Lee EY, Weiss HL, O’Connor KL, Gao T, Evers BM. mTORC1 and mTORC2 regulate EMT, motility, and metastasis of colorectal cancer via RhoA and Rac1 signaling pathways. Cancer Res 71: 3246-56, 2011.

45   Lee EY, Ro JY. The 9th Spring Seminar of the Korean Pathologists Association of North America (Editorial), Special section: Korean Gastrointestinal meeting from USCAP. Arch Path Lab Med 135: 696-7, 2011.

46   Silva SR, Zaytseva YY, Jackson LN, Lee EY, Weiss HL, Bowen KA, Townsend CM, Evers BM. The effect of PTEN on serotonin synthesis and secretion from the carcinoid cell line BON. Anticancer Res 31: 1153-60, 2011.

47   Silva SR, Bowen KA, Rychahou PG, Jackson LN, Weiss HL, Lee EY, Townsend CM, Evers BM. VEGFR-2 expression in carcinoid cancer cells and its role in tumor growth and metastasis. International J Cancer 128, 1045-56, 2011.

48   Gulhati P, Cai Q, Li J, Liu J, Rychaou P, Qiu S, Lee EY, Silva S, Bowen K, Gao T, Evers BM. Targeted inhibition of mTOR signaling inhibits tumorigenesis of colorectal cancer. Clin Cancer Res 15, 7207-16, 2009

49   Lee S, Kang D-W, Hudgins-Spivey S, Krust A, Lee EY, Koo Y, Cheon Y, Gye MC, Chambon P, Ko CM. Theca-specific Esr1 knockout mice lose fertility prematurity. Endocrinology 150, 3855-62, 2009.

50   Li J, Tharappel JC, Han SG, Cantor AH, Lee EY, Gairola CG, Glauert HP. Effect of dietary selenium on pulmonary cell proliferation induced by cigarette smoke in mice. Toxicological Sciences 111(2), 247-253, 2009.

51   Vasconez H, Nisanci M, Lee EY. Giant cell tumor of the flexor tendon sheath of the foot: case report .J of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery 61, 815-818, 2008

52   Glauert HP, Tharappel JC, Banerjee S, Chan LS, Korwel I, Lehmler HJ, Lee EY, Robertson LW, Spear BT. Inhibition of the promotion of hepatocarcinogenesis by 2,2’,4,4’5,5’-Hexachlorobiphenyl (PCB-153) by the deletion of the p50 subunit of NF-қB in mice. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 232, 302-308, 2008.

53   Calfee-Mason KG, Lee EY, Spear BT, Glauert HP. Role of the p50 subunit of NF-κB in vitamin E-induced changes in mice treated with the peroxisome proliferators, ciprofibrate. Food & Chemical Toxicology 46, 2062-2073, 2008.

54   Glauert HP, Tharappel JC, Stemm D, Banerjee S, Chan LS, Lee EY, Lehmler HJ, Robertson LW, Spear BT. Role of oxidative stress in the promoting activities of PCBs. Environmental Toxicology & Pharmacology 25, 247-250, 2008.

55   Ahmed MM, Fruitwala MA, Venkatasubbarao K, Lee EY, Mohiuddin M, Strodel WE. Down-regulation of the pro-apoptotic gene par-4 in pancreatic tumors haboring  k-ras mutation. Int J of Cancer 122, 63-70, 2008.

56   Schroeder VA, Lee EY, Douglas W, Cottrill CM. Left coronary artery arteriovenous malformation presenting as a diastolic murmur with exercise intolerance in a child with a suspected familial vascular malformation syndrome. Congenital Heart Disease 2, 203-7, 2007.

57   Sifford M, Koch A, Lee E, Pena L. Abnormal liver tests as an initial presentation of celiac disease. Digestive Dis Sci, 52(11):3016-3018, 2007.

58   Kudrimoti MR, Ahmed M, Mohiuddin M, Lee EY. Prediction of response to induction chemo-radiotherapy for advanced (Fixed;T4) rectal carcinoma. JKMA 105, 18-22, 2007.

59   Morehead RS, Lee EY, Dale WJ. A 53-year-old woman with haemoptysis following breast cancer resection. Euro Respir J 28:248-250, 2006.

60   Glauert HP, Eyigor A, Tharappel JC, Cooper S, Lee EY, Spear BT. Inhibition of hepatocarcino genesis by the deletion of the p50 subunit of NF-κβ in mice administered the peroxisome proliferator Wy-14,643. Toxicological Sciences 90:331-336, 2006.

61   Glauert HP, Lu Z, Kumar A, Bunaciu RP, Patel S, Tharappel JC, Stemm DN, Lehmler HJ, Lee EY, Robertson LW, Spear BT. Dietary vitamin E does not inhibit the promotion of liver carcinogenesis by polychlorinated biphenyls in rats. J of Nutrition 135:283-286, 2005.

62   Ofotokun I, Buch KP, Lee EY, Hoven A. Pulmonary mycobacterium avium complex infection in HIV-infected patient after immune reconstitution with active antiretroviral therapy. Infectious Disease in Clinical Practice 12:171-173, 2004.

63   Lu Z, Lee EY, Robertson LW, Glauert HP, Spear BT. Effect of 2, 2’, 4,4’, 5,5’- hexachlorobiphenyl  (PCB-153) on hepatocyte proliferation and apoptosis in mice deficient in the p50 subunit of the transcription factor NF-b. Toxicological Sciences 81:35-42, 2004.

64   Espandiari P, Glauert HP, Lehmler HJ, Lee EY, Srinivasan C, Robertson LW.  Initiating activity of 4-chlorobiphenyl metabolites in the resistant Hepatocyte model.  Toxicological Sciences 79:41-46, 2004.

65   Deaciuc IV, Doherty DE, Burikhanov R, Lee EY, Stromberg AJ, de Villiers WS.  Large scale gene   profiling of the liver in a mouse model of chronic intragastatic ethanol infusion.  J. Hepatol. 40:219-227, 2004.

66   Lu Z, Tharappel JC, Lee EY, Robertson LW, Spear BT, Glauert HP.  Effect of a single dose of poly chlorinated biphenyls on hepatic cell proliferation and the DNA binding activity of NF-kB and AP-1 in rats.  Molecular Carcinogenesis 37:171-180, 2003. 

67   Rushing RS, Shahajahan S, Chendil D, Wilder JL, Pulliam J, Lee EY, Ureland FR, Van Nagell JR, Ahmed MM, Lele SM.  Uterine sarcomas express KIT protein but lack mutations in exon 11 or 17 of c-KIT.  Gynecologic Oncology 91:9-14, 2003.

68   Espandiar P, Glauert HP, Lehmler HJ, Lee EY, Srinivasan C, Robertson LW.  Polychroniated Biphenyls (PCBs) as initiators in liver carcinogenesis: resistant hepatocyte model.  Toxicology and Applied  Pharmacology 186:55-62, 2003.

69   Bove K, Iery C and Autopsy Committee of College of American Pathologists.  The role of the autopsy in medical malpractice cases, II; controversy related to autopsy performance and reporting.  Arch Pathol Lab Med 126:1032-1035, 2002

70   Bove K, Iery C and Autopsy Committee of College of American Pathologists.  The role of the autopsy in medical malpractice cases, I; A review of 99 appeals court decisions.  Arch Pathol Lab Med 127:1023-1031, 2002

71   Deaciuc IV, D’Souza NB, Burikhanov R, Lee EY, Tahba CN, McClain CJ, de Villiers WS.  Epidermal growth factor protects the liver against alcohol-induced injury and sensitization to bacterial lipopolysaccharide.  Alcohol Clin Exp Res 26:864-872, 2002

72   Hill DB, de Villiers WS, D’Souza NB, Lee EY, Burkihanov R, Deaciuc IV.  A role for interleukin-10 in alcohol-induced liver sensitization to bacterial lipopolysaccharide. Alcohol Clin Exp Res 26:74-82, 2002

73   Tharappel JC, Lee EY, Robertson LW, Spear BT, Glauert HP.  Regulation of cell proliferation, apoptosis, and transcription factor activities during the promotion of liver carcinogenesis by PCBs. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 179:172-184, 2002

74   Espandiari P, Twaroski TP, Festaq M, Lee EY, Glauert HP, Robertson LW.  Effect of 4-chlorobiphenyl as an initiation of rat liver carcinogenesis. Recent Advances in the Environmental Toxicology and Health Effects, 399-401, 2001

75   Tharappel JC, Robertson LW, Lee EY, Spear BT, Glauert HP.  Effect of 2,2’,4,4’,5,5’ – Hexachlorobiphenyl (PCB 153) and 3,3’,4,4’ – Tetrachlorobiphenyl (PCB 77) on NF-kB and AP-1 activation, altered hepatic foci formation, cell proliferation and apoptosis in rats. Recent Advances in the Environmental Toxicology and Health Effects of PCBs, 417-418, 2001

76   Lu Z, Spear B, Lee EY, Robertson LW, Glauert HP.  Activation of rat hepatic transcription factor NF-kB by PCBs. Recent Advances in the Environmental Toxicology and Health Effects of PCBs, 419-420, 2001

77   Varilek GW, Yang H, Lee EY, deVilliers W, Zhong J, Oz HS, Westberry K, McClain CJ.  Green tea polyphenol extract attenuates inflammation in interleukin-2-deficient mice, a model of autoimmunity. J Nutrition 131:2034-2039, 2001

78   Park A, Schwartz RW, Witzke DB, Roth JS, Mastrangelo M, Birch DW, Jennings CD, Lee EY, Hoskins J: New approaches to teaching anatomy and pathology: the laparoscopic view for medical students. Surg Endosc 15:245-250, 2001

79   Deaciuc IV, Nikolova-Karakashian M, Fortunato F, Lee EY, Hill DB, McClain CJ.  Apoptosis and dysregulated ceramide metabolism in a murine model of alcohol-enhanced lipopolysaccharide hepatotoxicity. Alcohol Clin Exp Res 24:1557-1565, 2000

80   Glauert HP, Tharappel JC, Lee EY, Robertson LW, Spear BT.  Effect of PCBs on the activation of the transcription factor AP-1 and NF-kB. Cent Eur J Public Health 8:17-18, 2000

81   Venkatasubbarao K, Ahmed MM, Mohiuddin M, Swiderski C, Lee EY, Gower WR, Salhab KH, McGrath P, Strodel W, Freeman J: Differential expression of transforming growth factor b receptors in human pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Anti Cancer Research 20:43-52, 2000

82   Hanzkil R. and Autopsy Committee of College of American Pathologists.  The Autopsy Lexicon; suggested headings for the autopsy report. Arch Pathol Lab Med 124:594-603, 2000

83   Hutchins GM, Berman JJ, Moore GW, Hanzlik R and Autopsy Committee of the College of American Pathologists.  Practice Guidelines for Autopsy Pathology: Autopsy Reporting. Arch Pathol Lab Med 123:1085-1092, 1999

84   Reedy MB, Richards WE, Ueland F, Uy K, Lee EY, Bryant C, van Nagell, Jr, JR: Ovarian steriod cell tumors, not otherwise specified: a case report and literature review. Gyn Oncology, 75:293-297, 1999

85   Yang F, de Villiers WJS, Lee EY, McClain CJ, Varilek GW: Increased nuclear factor-kappa B activation in colitis of interleukin-2- deficient mice. J Lab Clin Med, 134:378-385, 1999

86   Glauert HP, Tharappel JC, Lee EY, Robertson LW, Spear BT: Activation of the transcription factors NF-KB and AP-1 during the promotion of hepatocarcinogenesis by Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB’s). Organohalogen Compounds 42:413-416, 1999

87   Deaciuc IV, Fortunato F, D’Souza NB, Hill DB, Schmidt J, Lee EY, McClain CJ:  Modulation of Caspase-3 activity and FAS ligand mRNA expression in rat liver cells in vivo by alcohol and lipopolysaccharide. Alcohol Clin Exp Res 23(2):349-356, 1999

88   Espandiali P, Glauert HP, Lee EY, Robertson LW: Promoting activity of the herbicide Di Camba (2-methoxy-3,6-dichlorobenzoic acid) in two stage hepatocarcinogenesis. Int J of Oncology 14:79-84, 1999

89   Chawla RK, Watson WH, Eastin CE, Lee EY, Schmidt J, McClain CJ:  S-Adenosylmethionine (Adomet) deficiency and tumor necrosis factor a (TNF) in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced hepatic injury. Am J Physiology 275:G125-G129, 1998

90   Venkatasubbarao K, Ahmed MM, Swiderski C, Harp C, Lee E, McGrath P, Mohiuddin M, Strodel W, Freeman JW: Novel mutations in the polyadenive tract of the transforming growth factor B type II receptor gene are found in a subpopulation of human pancreatic adenocarcinomas. Gene Chromosomes Cancer 22:138-144, 1998

91   Lee EY, Cibull ML, Hanzlick R:  Autopsy and Medicine; Case of the month. Arch Int Med 157:2044, 1997

92   Eastin CE, McClain CJ, Lee EY, Bagby GJ, Chawla RK: Choline deficiency augments and antibody to tumor necrosis factor-a attenuates endotoxin-induced hepatic injury. Alcohol Clin Exp Res 21(6):1-5, 1997

93   Hill B, Sloan DA, Lee EY, McGrath PC, Kenady DE:  Majorlins's ulcer of the foot caused by nonburn trauma. So Med J, 89:707-710, 1996

94   Lee JH, Yang MH, Lee SK, Ahmed  M, Mohiuddin M, Lee EY:  Expression and mutation of H-ras in uterine cervical cancer. Gynecologic Oncology, 62:49-54, 1996

95   Hamby LS, Lee EY, Schwartz RW:  Parathyroid adenoma and gastric carcinoma as manifestations of Cowden's disease. Surgery, 118:115-117, 1995

96   Lee EY, Cibull ML, O'Daniel-Pierce E., Strodel WE, Jennings D:  Expression of p53 protein in pancreatic adenocarcinoma; relationship to cigarette smoking. Int J Pancreatology, 17: 237-242, 1995

97   Albers KM, Davis F, Perrone T, Lee EY, Liu Y, Vore M: Expression of a keratin protein in liver of transgenic mice causes structural and functional abnormalities. The Journal of Cell Biology, 128:157-169, 1995

98   Schwartz RW, Munfakh NA, Zweng TN, Strodel WE, Lee EY, Thompson NW:  Nonfunctioning Cystic Neuroendocrine Neoplasms of the Pancreas. Surgery, 115: 645-649, 1994

99   Boucher LD, Aoki M, Lee EY, Cibull ML: Malakoplakia of Liver Associated with Perforated Colonic Diverticular Disease: A Case Report and Review of the Literature.  J Clin Gastroentenology, 19:318-20, 1994

100 Lee EY, Cibull ML, Strodel WE, Haley J: Expression of HER-2/neu oncoprotein and epidermal growth factor receptor and prognosis in gastric carcinoma. Arch Path Lab Med 118:235-239, 1994

101 Broughton RA, Lee EY:  Clostridium septicum sepsis and meningitis as a complication of the hemolytic-uremic syndrome. Clin Pediatr 32:750-752, 1993

102 Beaty MM, Lee EY, Glauert HP: The effect of dietary calcium and vitamin D on 1, 2-dimethylhydrazine-induced colon carcinogensis in rats fed high fat diets. J Nutrition 123:144-152, 1993

103 Honchel R, Ray MB, Marsano L, Cohen D, Lee EY, Shedlofsky S, McClain CJ: Tumor necrosis factor in alcohol enhanced endotoxin liver injury. Alcohol Clin Exp Res 16:665-669, 1992

104 Hu C, Lee EY, Hewitt JE, Baenziger JU, Mu J-Z, DeSchryver-Kecskemeti K, Alpers DH:  The minor components of the rat asialogylcoprotein receptor are apically located in neonatal enterocytes. Gastroenterology 101:1477-1487, 1991

105 Lee EY, Cibull ML:  Predicting the prognosis of soft tissue sarcomas.Postgraduate General Surgery 3:42-44, 1991

106 Henderson JM, Lee EY, Greenwood MA, Gilinsky NH: Gaucher's disease complicated by bleeding esophageal varices and colonic infiltration by Gaucher cells.Am J Gastroenterology 86:346-348, 1991

107 Lee EY, Stenson W, DeSchryver-Kecskemeti K: Thickening of muscularis mucosae in Crohn's disease. Modern Pathology 4:87-90, 1991

108 Lee EY, Clouse RE, Aliperti G, DeSchryver-Kecskemeti K: Small intestinal lesion resembling graft-versus-host disease in immunodeficiency: A case report and review of literature.Arch Path Lab Med 115:529-532, 1991

109 Honchel R, Shedlofsky S, Cohen D, Marsano L, Lee EY, McClain C:  Is hepatic cytoprotection really cytokine protection?Molecular and Cellular Biology of Cytokines 275-280, 1990

110 Mills CT, Lee EY, Perrillo R:  Relationship between histologic activity, aminotransferase levels, and viral replication in chronic hepatitis B. Gastroenterology 99:519-524, 1990

111 Awad JA, Lee EY, Wang TC, DeSchryver-Kecskemeti K, Clouse RE:  Effect of mucosal thickening near gastric carcinoma on the endoscopic diagnosis of malignancy. Digestive Diseases and Sciences 35:317-320, 1990

112 Lee EY, Wang TC, Clouse RE, DeSchryver-Kecskemeti K: Mucosal thickening adjacent to gastric malignancy: Association with epidermal growth factor. Modern Pathology 2:397-402, 1989

113 Lee EY, Seethram B, Alpers DH, DeSchryver-Kecskemeti K:  Immunohistochemical survey of cobalamin binding proteins. Gastroenterology 97:1171-1180, 1989

114 Joshi VV, Kauffman S, Oleske JM, Fikrig S, Denny T, Gadol CL, Lee EY:  Polyclonal polymorphic B-cell lymphoproliferative disorder with prominent pulmonary involvement in children with AIDS. Cancer 59:1455-1462, 1987

115 Gadol CL, Joshi VV, Lee EY: Bronchiolar obstruction associated with repeated aspiration of vegetable material in two children with cerebral palsy. Pediatric Pulmonology 3:437-439, 1987

116 Ambros RA, Lee EY, Sharer LR, Khan MY, Robboy SJ: The acquired immunodeficiency syndrome in intravenous drug abusers and patients with a sexual risk-clinical and postmortem comparisons. Human Pathology 18:1109-1114, 1987

117 Smith SM, Lee EY, Cobbs CJ, Eng RHK:  Unusual features of Arthritis caused by Candida parapsilosis. Archives of Pathology Laboratory Medicine 111:71-73, 1987