Dava W. Piecoro, MD
- Associate Professor
College Unit(s)
Biography and Education
B.S. in Agricultural Biotechnology - University of Kentucky (2002)
MD - University of Louisville (2007)
AP/CP Residency - Duke University (2011)
Hematopathology Fellowship - Mayo Clinic (2012)
Cytopathology Fellowship - University of Kentucky (2013)
Selected Publications
Publications & Other Scholarly Work:
1 Bachert SE, Baldwin LA, Dueber JC, West-Piecoro D. Ovarian Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumor: Are you central or peripheral? Int J Gynecol Pathol. 2021 Apr 12;. doi: 10.1097/PGP.0000000000000789. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 33852507.
2 Riggs MJ, Lin N, Wang C, Piecoro DW, Miller RW, Hampton OA, Rao M, Ueland FR, Kolesar JM. DACH1 mutation frequency in endometrial cancer is associated with high tumor mutation burden. PLoS One. 2020 Dec 30;15(12):e0244558. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0244558. PMID: 33378353.
3 Qi L, Knifley T, Piecoro DW, Rychahou P, Wu J, O'Connor KL, Chen M. In vivo Tumor Growth and Spontaneous Metastasis Assays Using A549 Lung Cancer Cells. Bio Protoc. 2020 Apr 5;10(7):e3579. doi: 10.21769/BioProtoc.3579. eCollection 2020 Apr 5. PubMed PMID: 33659549; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC7842773.
4 Bachert SE, McDowell A Jr, Piecoro D, Baldwin Branch L. Serous Tubal Intraepithelial Carcinoma: A Concise Review for the Practicing Pathologist and Clinician. Diagnostics (Basel). 2020;10(2):102. Published 2020 Feb 13. doi:10.3390/diagnostics10020102.
5 Pavlik, E.J.; Smith, C.; Dennis, T.S.; Harvey, E.; Huang, B.; Chen, Q.; West Piecoro, D.; Burgess, B.T.; McDowell, A.; Gorski, J.; Baldwin, L.A.; Miller, R.W.; DeSimone, C.P.; Dietrich, C., III; Gallion, H.H.; Ueland, F.R.; van Nagell, J.R., Jr. Disease-Specific Survival of Type I and Type II Epithelial Ovarian Cancers—Stage Challenges Categorical Assignments of Indolence & Aggressiveness. Diagnostics 2020, 10,56.
6 Liu L, Qi L, Knifley T, Piecoro DW, Rychahou P, Liu J, Mitov MI, Martin J, Wang C, Wu J, Weiss HL, Butterfield DA, Evers BM, O’Connor KL, Chen M. S100A4 alters metabolism and promotes invasion of lung cancer cells by up-regulating mitochondrial complex I protein NDUFS2. J Biol Chem. 2019 May 3;294(18):7516-7527. doi: 10.1074/jbc.RA118.004365. Epub 2019 Mar 18.
7 Ebelhar A, West D, Aouad R. Adenoid cystic carcinoma of ceruminous glands of the external auditory canal. J Int Adv Otol. 2017 Aug;13(2):292-294.
8 Lefringhouse JR, Elder JW, Baldwin LA, Miller RW, DeSimone CP, van Nagell JR Jr, Samoyoa LM, West DS, Dressler EV, Liu M, Ueland FR. Prospective validation of an intraoperative algorithm to guide surgical staging in early endometrial cancer. Gynecol Oncol. 2017 Apr;145(1):50-54. doi: 10.1016/j.ygyno.2017.01.032. Epub 2017 Feb 9. PubMed PMID: 28190648.
9 Xu B, Lefringhouse J, Liu Z, West D, Baldwin LA, Ou C, Chen L, Napier D, Chaiswing L, Brewer LD, St Clair D, Thibault O, van Nagell JR, Zhou BP, Drapkin R, Huang JA, Lu ML, Ueland FR, Yang XH. Inhibition of the integrin/FAK signaling axis and c-Myc synergistically disrupts ovarian cancer malignancy. Oncogenesis. 2017 Jan 30;6(1):e295. doi: 10.1038/oncsis.2016.86. PubMed PMID: 28134933; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5294249.
10 Stewart R, West D, Wang C, Weiss H, Gal T, Durbin E, O’Connor W, Chen M, O’Connor K. Elevated integrin α6β4 expression is associated with venous invasion and decreased overall survival in non-small cell lung cancer. Hum Pathol. 2016 Aug;54:174-83.
11 Stewart R, Carpenter B, West D, Knifley T, Liu L, Wang C, Weiss H, Gal T, Durbin E, Arnold S, O’Connor K, Chen M. S100A4 drives non-small cell lung cancer invasion, associates with poor prognosis, and is effectively targeted by the FDA-approved anti-helminthic agent niclosamide. Oncotarget. 2016 Jun 7;7(23):34630-42.
12 Baldwin LA, Hoff JT, Lefringhouse J, Zhang M, Jia C, Liu Z, Erfani S, Jin H, Xu M, She QB, van Nagell JR, Wang C, Chen L, Plattner R, Kaetzel DM, Luo J, Lu M, West D, Liu C, Ueland FR, Drapkin R, Zhou BP, Yang XH. CD151-α3β1 integrin complexes suppress ovarian tumor growth by repressing slug-mediated EMT and canonical Wnt signaling. Oncotarget. 2014 Dec 15;5(23):12203-17.
13 West DS, Dogan A, Quint PS, Tricker-Klar ML, Porcher JC, Ketterling RP, Law ME, McPhail ED, Viswanatha DS, Kurtin PJ, Dao LN, Ritzer RD, Nowakowski GS, Feldman AL. Clonally related follicular lymphomas and langerhans cell neoplasms: expanding the spectrum of transdifferentiation. Am J Surg Pathol. 2013;37(7):978-986.
14 West D, Papalas J, Selim M, Vollmer R. Dermatopathology of the Foreskin: An Institutional Experience of Over 400 Cases. J Cutan Pathol. 2013;40(1):11-18.
15 Jiang X, West D, Lagoo A. Lymph node infarction: Role of underlying malignancy, tumor proliferation rate fraction and vascular compromise - A study of 35 cases and comprehensive review of the literature. Histopathol. 2013;62(2):315-325.
16 West D, Geradts J, Wahidi M, Roggli V. Endobronchial Metastatic Breast Cancer With Pagetoid Histology Mimicking Bronchial Pagetoid Squamous Cell Carcinoma in Situ. Hum Pathol. 2011;42(11):1819-22.
17 Hammerich K, Schroeck F, West D, Moul J. Simultaneously detected bilateral testicular cancer of different histopathological origin – a challenging situation for the urologist. Oncology (Williston Park) 2010;24(8):757-60.
18 Wang E, West D, Kulbacki E. An unusual nodal marginal zone lymphoma with bright CD10 expression: A potential diagnostic pitfall. Am J Hematol. 2010;85(7):546-8.
19 Lieto L, Maasho K, West D, Borrego F, Colligan J. The human CD94 gene encodes multiple, expressible transcripts including a new partner of NKG2A/B. Genes Immun.2006;7(1):36-43.
20 West D, Sheehan M, Segeleon P, Dutch R. Role of the simian virus 5 fusion protein N-terminal coiled-coil domain in folding and promotion of membrane fusion. J. Virol. 2005;79(3):1543-51.