Dr. Greg Davis joins The Murder Police Podcast
Homicide detectives have quietly called themselves “the murder police” for years. Never as a point of bragging or arrogance (two things actually rare in a profession that serves up humility daily), but a simple way of defining work as do their fellow law enforcement officials.
The murder police can extend out to everyone that works to resolve a murder, because unlike TV and movies, crime solving is the work of large teams; each contributing a specialty, in order to bring a perpetrator to justice and to assure the innocent are not harmed by the process. This includes forensic specialists, crime scene technicians, other specialized detective units, partnering local, state and federal law enforcement, prosecutors, victim advocates, medical examiners, coroners… this list goes on.
The murder police podcast talks about true crime, not only through the details of the case, but through the eyes of the murder police; what it is like to do the work. The real deal.
Greg has worked with the host of this podcast, retired Lexington Police Commander David Lyons, since David was a robbery-homicide detective in the 1990s. In this three-part series, Greg, David, and co-host Wendy Lyons talk about Pathology and Laboratory Medicine in general, Forensic Pathology in particular, and how the worlds of science, medicine, and death investigation intersect in myriad ways.