We have much good news to share!


Derek Allison, MD, is a co-investigator on a newly funded grant from the national Heart Lung and Blood Institute titled “Targeting Lung Fibrosis Using Epigenetic Therapy”.  This grant is a collaboration with the departments of toxicology and cancer biology, internal medicine, microbiology, immunology, and molecular genetics, physiology, and the Markey-McDowell Cancer Network.  Christine Brainson, PhD, associate professor of toxicology and caner biology, is the PI.  Excellent work Dr. Allison!


Cody Bumgardner, PhD, is the PI on a newly funded grant from Lextran Foundation Incorporated titled “UK Evaluation of Lextran’s Accelerating Innovative Mobility (AIM) Program”. Congratulations, Dr. Bumgardner!


Mohamed Hussein, MD, is first author of a recently published article in the journal Metabolites.  The article titled “Comparison of Adiposomal Lipids between Obese and Non-Obese Individuals” is a collaboration with physicians from the University of Illinois, Chicago College of Medicine and can be found at this link https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/39195560/.  Excellent work Dr. Hussein!


Wael Ibrahim, MD, Dennis Williams, MD, and Aaron Shmookler, MD, collaborated on an abstract that has been accepted for presentation at the AABB Annual Meeting in Oct. 2024 in Houston, Tx.  The title is “Anti-D Alloimmunization Rate Following the Transfusion of RhD-Positive Apheresis Platelets to RhD-Negative Patients: A Retrospective Study”. Great work, everyone!


Eun Lee, MD, is a co-investigator on a newly funded grant from the Colorectal Cancer Alliance titled “Developing New Therapeutic Approaches for BRAFV600E Colorectal Cancer”.  This grant is a collaboration with the department of toxicology and cancer biology and the Markey-McDowell Cancer Network.  Yekaterina Zaytseva, PhD, associate professor of toxicology and cancer biology, is the PI. Excellent work Dr. Lee!


Rob Maynard, PhD has been busy!  First, he has been invited to record a podcast episode for the journal Clinical Chemistry.  The topic will be “Personalized Reproductive Hormone Monitoring in Sweat” and will be available at the link https://www.myadlm.org/science-and-research/clinical-chemistry/clinical-chemistry-podcasts.  Second, he has been selected to give an oral presentation at the 2024 International CPOCT Symposium in San Diego, Calif. from Sept. 25-27, 2024.  His topic will be “Evaluation of Hemolysis Rates in Adult and Pediatric Whole Blood Specimens at the Point of Care”. Congratulations, Dr. Maynard!


Hafsa Nebbache, MD, has accepted a fellowship in Breast Pathology from Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, MA to begin July 2026.  This will follow her Cytopathology fellowship at Memorial Sloan-Kettering. Congratulations, Dr. Nebbache!


William O’Connor, MD, (first author) and Asma Arshia, MD, (co-author) recently published a case report in European Heart Journal Case Reports titled “Nuclear envelope lamin-related dilated cardiomyopathy: a case series including histopathology”.  The link to the report is https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC11339710/ and is a collaboration with UK Cardiology. Congratulations Drs. O’Connor and Arshia!


Dava Piecoro, MD, is a co-investigator on a recently funded CCSG Pilot Grant from the National Cancer Institute titled “The Role of Calpain-5 in Endometrial Cancer”.  This is a collaboration with the departments of radiation medicine, toxicology and cancer biology, and the  Markey-McDowell Cancer Network. Congratulations, Dr. Piecoro!


Justin Rueckert, MD, is very busy!  First, he has been asked to join a panel discussion for Schwartz Rounds (a multidisciplinary forum where clinical caregivers discuss social and emotional issues) on Monday, Sept. 16, 2024 from Noon-1 p.m. in CTW014 Wethington Bldg).  The topic of discussion will be “Care, After the End” and he will be joined by Jeremy Garbat-Welch, M.Div. and Vicky Kaak, RN.  Lunch will be served and all are welcome to attend. 
Second, he has been appointed by the Office of Medical Education to the roles of Pathology Thread Leader and Histology Thread Leader.  These roles involve coordination of foundational science topics throughout the undergraduate medical curriculum and will involve collaboration with course directors, course faculty, clerkship directors, and OME leadership. Good luck Dr. Rueckert!


Dr. Aaron Shmookler is co-author on a recent publication in the journal Transfusion Medicine Reviews.  The article is titled “RhD-Alloimmunization in Adult and Pediatric Trauma Patients” and is a collaboration with researchers from around the country and internationally.  Excellent work. Dr. Shmookler!


Sainan Wei, MD, PhD, is first author on a book chapter (Chapter 5: Ring Chromosome 1) in Human Ring Chromosomes:  A Practical Guide for Clinicians and Families. Great work. Dr. Wei!  


Our Pathology Residency Orientation was recently featured in the “GME PC Newsletter” in August, 2024!  Leanna and Drs. McDonald and Neltner have worked hard to revamp the orientation to provide the most successful start to the pathology residency program. Excellent recognition everyone!    


One of the latest editions of UKNow featured an excellent article and video about blood donations and the blood banking process.  The article titled ”‘Life or death’: The impact of blood donations across UK HealthCare” can be seen at this link https://uknow.uky.edu/uk-healthcare/life-or-death-impact-blood-donations-across-uk-healthcare and features our own Dr. Aaron Shmookler. Please take the time to read and view.


Lastly, we are excited to share that we have 110 residency candidates signed up for our virtual residency open houses on Sept. 13 and Oct. 4 at 7 p.m.!