Observing and Shadowing
Neurosurgery frequently receives requests for students and professionals seeking opportunities to observe. For all students and non-UK HealthCare employees wanting to participate in the observation and learning program at UK, there are required documents you must provide in order to participate in the program. For the best experience, plan to attend the whole day if possible.
Observation and Learning Experience
In support of our commitment to career development, education and training of health care professionals, UK HealthCare provides individuals with observations and learning experiences in various clinical areas and business professional departments. Multiple learning opportunities are provided by UK HealthCare and onboarded by the office of Observation and Learning Experience (OLE).
Neurosurgery Contact and Scheduling
If you have questions about observing or shadowing the providers in the department of neurosurgery, please reach out to us.
Email: Christina.Tussey@uky.edu