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Miana Wallace

John Gensel Lab


  • Laboratory Technician

College Unit(s)

Biography and Education


Miana Wallace, a highly accomplished graduate of Kentucky State University, had an exceptional and versatile academic experience. While studying at the university, she assumed prestigious leadership positions within different organizations and enthusiastically engaged in the STEM Undergraduate Research Assistant Program, which allowed her to gain valuable exposure to the world of research. Under the guidance of her research mentor, Dr. Dharma Khatiwada, Miana dedicated her efforts to a project focusing on the effects of anti-angiogenic therapies on ovarian cancer. This project eventually led to a published work, "Testing Doses and Treatment Timelines of Anti-Angiogenic Drug Bevacizumab Numerically as a Single-Agent for the Treatment of Ovarian Cancer."

Eager to further enhance her research skills, Miana was accepted into the Neuroscience Post-Baccalaureate research program at the University of Kentucky. At present, she is in Dr. Erica Littlejohn's lab, where she’ll be studying the correlation between behavioral science and traumatic brain injury, while aiming to contribute to the field of neuroscience.