BSC 750 History of Medicine Among African Americans: Implications for Health Disparities (3 credit hours)

This inquiry-based course explores the historical roots of contemporary health disparities facing African Americans in the U.S. and invites students to consider past and present methods for addressing them. We will investigate the origins and legacy of medical racism, including associated histories of racial violence, exploitation, exclusion, and oppression. We will also explore sources of resistance to medical racism as well as the pursuit of health and healing among African American communities. In addition to analyzing scholarly monographs and articles written by historians of medicine, students will be invited to explore course material through engagement with primary sources and with other media forms such as art, craft, poetry, podcasts, and film.

BSC 755: Race, Racism, and HealthDisparities Among African Americans inthe U.S. (3 credit hours)

This course on racism and health disparities is designed to support graduate and professional studies in the social sciences, allied health,and medical disciplines. This course will review the biological and social history of race in America; critique historical and emerging views on the genetics of race; discuss how the classification/mechanism of “race” operates to contribute to health inequities; explore theoretical frameworks of racism and how racism is embedded in the social and political determinants of health; and formulate initiatives that address the influence of racism on health and could reduce health disparities. Although it is acknowledged that the discussion of race, racism and health is relevant to other “racially-classified” groups the course will draw primarily upon the experience of African Americans in the United States

Race and Health Profession's Education Resources

Study Backs Flexner Report’s Negative Impact onBlack Physicians