Lillian Sims, PhD

134 Behavioral Science Building


  • Lecturer

College Unit(s)

Other Affiliation(s)
  • Medical Student Education - Lexington Campus

Biography and Education


Dr. Lillian Sims is a lecturer in the Department of Behavioral Science. She teaches annual sections of MD 811 Introduction to Clinical Medicine for first-year medical students and works on medical education research within the College of Medicine. Her research focuses in particular on improving access to the medical profession for underrepresented students and expanding support for students once in training. She is the faculty advisor for the Med Ed student interest group and the First Gen in Medicine (FGiM) student interest group. Her recently completed (2021) PhD research considered how medical students with varying social backgrounds approach and navigate professional school. Recent publications include papers in Academic Medicine, Social Science and Medicine, and the Journal of Research on Rural Education. She supports colleagues and trainees pursuing medical education research within the College of Medicine, in particular by contributing expertise on qualitative and survey-based methodologies; IRB approval; education research; and research writing. She currently serves as the Office of Medical Education's Acting Director of Medical Student Research and works to connect UKCOM medical students with faculty and residents who can collaborate on research projects. Students can self-enroll in the Research Resources Canvas page for additional research support. She was awarded the AERA Division I: Education in the Professions "New Investigator" award in 2022.