Oct. 9, 2024: Sec. Eric Friedlander and Mr. Charles Booker join CHET for "From Campus to the Capitol: Making a Difference in Public Health Through Civic Engagement"

CHET recently hosted a hybrid event featuring an intriguing dialogue between state leaders on the intersection of civic engagement and public health. We were grateful to be joined by the Secretary of the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services Eric Friedlander, Charles Booker, Kentucky State Director of Faith Based & Community Initiatives in the Office of the Governor, and our discussion moderator Dr. Bridgett King, Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Kentucky. 

The goal of this event was to achieve the following objectives: 

  1. Identify the connection between civic engagement and health
  2. Analyze the implications of civic engagement on achievement of public health in Kentucky
  3. Discuss examples of past and ongoing civic engagement and public health initiatives
  4. Integrate strategies that dually support civic engagement and public health into future activities

CHET is grateful for the support of the UK College of Medicine Department of Internal Medicine, the College of Public Health, and the Center for Clinical and Translational Science for their support of this event.

Watch the video recording here.

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