Donor Opportunities
Mail Gifts To:
UK Philanthropy
PO Box 910628
Lexington KY 40591-0628
Make checks payable to the University of Kentucky
Memo: Center for Health, Engagement, and Transformation (CHET)
Why Your Donation Matters
The University of Kentucky Center for Health, Engagement, and Transformation’s mission is to synergize innovative, transdisciplinary, and impactful research and training to improve the health of the most vulnerable residents of Kentucky and beyond. Kentuckians suffer tremendous health disparities—among the highest national rates of the leading causes of death, including cardiovascular disease, cancer, neurological disease, substance use, diabetes, and obesity. CHET researchers aim to go beyond documenting health disparities to reduce or eliminate these health problems through intervention, implementation, dissemination, and translational science.
CHET provides training and professional development to support innovative, transdisciplinary science careers for the next generation of scholars. We developed the Students Participating as Ambassadors for Research in KY (SPARK) program, which trains Kentucky undergraduates to undertake impactful research in their home communities. Our extensive graduate research assistant training program engages students from across the university in research and service projects and provides enrichment through workshops, visiting scholars, and seminars.
Our postdoctoral training program focuses on addressing the tremendous burden of cancer in our rural regions.
We enhance the impact of our transformative research and training through our programming. These activities include pilot research project funding; a speaker and seminar series; research method workshops; community outreach and engagement; and other creative programming.
We welcome your support in our efforts to transform health by making a gift to the CHET Support Fund.
Training Programs
CHET supports a range of opportunities for trainees to receive professional development to undertake innovative and transdisciplinary science for the next generation of health equity scholars. Outreach to communities most burdened by health conditions is a fundamental component of these research and training programs.
Community Outreach and Engagement
CHET provides a vibrant, enriching programming portfolio consisting of speaker and seminar series, workshops, professional development, awards, and other activities. To increase our community impact, CHET actively deploys social media, publishes op-eds, and promotes antiracist practice.
For more information about where you can make a difference:
UK HealthCare Office of Philanthropy, 859-562-1602