MD/PhD Monthly Meetings

  • Program wide-meetings occur on the third Wednesday of every month with the exception of the month of our annual retreat (May or June). 
  • Monthly meetings cover a range of topics including grant-writing workshops, student panels and research presentations, physician-scientist guest speakers, and faculty-student round tables designed to facilitate open communication. 


Clinical Case Study Series

  • Monthly residency-style clinical case review hosted by M3 or M4 level student. Cases are solved in breakout groups of students at all program levels to encourage vertical collaboration and integration. 



Graduation Dinner

An annual dinner to celebrate graduating MD/PhD students, historically held at Malone's after Match Day.  

Annual Program Retreat

A beloved MD/PhD program tradition consisting of a weekend in Red River Gorge National Park. Retreat activities normally include research presentations, guest faculty and alumni talks, wilderness medicine clinical case races, and hiking the natural arches. 

Retreat is held in late May or early June. 

F30 Grant Application

Students are required to submit a F30 application within their second year of graduate work. NIH F30 Information can be found here. 

One-on-Ones with Program Directors

Annually, the Directors of the MD/PhD Program will meet with each individual student, to review progress, provide advice, evaluate future plans, and solicit feedback on the program. Each student should provide the MD/PhD Office with an individual development plan.