Research Resources and Facilities
To support the cutting edge research that our faculty and students are doing, the medical center provides exemplary research facilities. Modern, well-equipped laboratories are available as well as numerous shared-use facilities and centers including:
- Alzheimer's Disease Research Center
- Biostatistics Consulting Unit
- Center for Nanoscale Science and Engineering
- Center on Drug and Alcohol Research
- DNA Sequence Analysis Facility
- Flow Cytometry and Immune Monitoring Core Facility
- Imaging Facility
- Kentucky Neuroscience Institute
- Laboratory Animal Resources
- Markey Cancer Center
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Spectroscopy Center (MRISC)
- Sanders Brown Center on Aging
- Spinal Cord and Brain Injury Research Center (SCoBIRC)
For more Centers, Core Facilities and Research Resources click here.
Environmental Health and Safety (EHS)
The EHS provides support for teaching and research related to campus safety and environment. This website includes lab safety information.
Office of Sponsored Projects Administration (OSPA)
OPSA is responsible for administering extramural grants and contracts at the university level. The website offers a wide array of information related to extramural funding.
Proposal Development Office (PDO)
PDO website contains information on grant announcements, grant writing tips, and facilities descriptions as well as sample NIH R01 applications.
Vice President for Research
The VPR website is maintained to provide details on university-wide research support units, service core facilities, and other information important to the research mission of the university.