Financial Support
Support as of the 2023-2024 School Year
MD/PhD students at the University of Kentucky are fully supported through their training. Students receive a stipend designed to be competitive nationally at $30,000 annually at all phases of the program. The MD/PhD Program funds the student's medical school tuition and stipend. Graduate school stipends and tuition are provided by the student’s dissertation department. Stipend and support are contingent upon the student remaining in good standing in the MD/PhD Program.
For general information about tuition and fees, click here.
For cost of attendance information, click here.
Health Insurance
While in Medical School, the MD/PhD Program covers health, hospitalization and dental insurances under the UK Student Health Plan (SHP). Further details can be reached at the Academic Health Plans (AHP) Office (1-855-856-2385). During Graduate school, health insurance is provided in accordance with the policies and practices of the graduate program. Information on health insurance is available at the following websites: UK Graduate Student Health Insurance. Dental insurance will be provided under the same policy starting in 2024.
Additional Support
Students with research interests at the interface of Medicine and Engineering can apply for the prestigious Halcomb Fellow Award, which provides $25,000 per year for two years for a research project directed by dual mentors from an engineering discipline and the biomedical sciences. Additional information can be found at Research Resources and Halcomb Graduate Fellowship.
Students are encouraged to apply for external fellowships during their graduate training and support is available for grant submissions for the MD/PhD Program Office:
- American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship
- American Physician Scientist Association Funding Opportunities
- Association of American Medical Colleges Funding Opportunities for MD-PhD Trainees
- National Institute of Health F30 award
- Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Association Fellowships
- U.S. Army Breast Cancer Program