The UK College of Medicine Psychiatry Department provides a full range of clinical services for adults and adolescents. The department's multidisciplinary faculty is active in a variety of clinical and research interests in biological psychiatry, pharmacotherapy, and behavior therapy including cognitive therapy. The department's facilities include an inpatient unit housed at UK Good Samaritan Hospital and an outpatient clinic located at 245 Fountain Court in Lexington.
UK Psychiatry Outpatient Clinic
245 Fountain Court (second & third floor) Lexington, Ky. 40509
Phone: 859-323-6021
Anxiety disorder and depression
Eating disorders
Family therapy
Adolescent Clinical Service
Adult Affective Disorders Clinical Service
Adult Psychopharmacology Clinical Service
Anxiety Disorders Clinical Service
Child and Adolescent Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder Clinical Service
UK Psychiatry Inpatient Clinic
310 S Limestone, Lexington, Ky. 40508
Phone: 859-226-7063 or 859-226-7060 (adolescent unit, ages 11-17)
Individual and group psychotherapy
Personality disorders
Psychosomatic disorders
Child Abuse Clinical Service
Child Diagnostic Clinical Service
Eating Disorders Clinical Service
Family Mediation and Evaluation Clinical Service
Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder Clinical Service