Clinical Rotations



Department of Psychiatry Addiction Clinic

  • SMART Clinic: Comprehensive substance use disorders clinic offering treatment for substance use disorders including opioids, stimulants, alcohol and sedative/hypnotics. Services also provided in this clinic: mental health, individual therapy, group therapy, and peer support. The SMART clinic uses a multidisciplinary team involving physicians, case managers, therapists, and peer support to provide evidence based treatments including medications for opioid use disorder. (Continuity clinic continues 1 day per week all year)

New Vista Narcotics Addiction Program: Community mental health center-based program for treatment of addiction, including with methadone maintenance.

Pathways Program: Clinic operated through the UK department of Obstetrics. Outpatient program for pregnant women with substance use disorders, providing multi-disciplinary treatment, including medication for opioid use disorder.

Bridge Clinic: UK clinic that provides treatment of substance use disorder for patients transitioning from inpatient care.


Eastern State Hospital: State psychiatric hospital that provides care to patients with severe mental illness, often with comorbid substance use disorders.

The Ridge Behavioral Health System: Community program providing inpatient substance use disorder detoxification and rehabilitation for adults and adolescents.

Addiction Consult Education Service (ACES): Consultation service providing treatment of substance use disorders for patients hospitalized at UK Chandler Medical Center.

VA Substance Abuse Residential Rehabilitation Treatment Program: Residential treatment program providing care for substance us disorders, often with comorbid PTSD or other mental health conditions.

StepWorks: Community residential treatment program providing detoxification and rehabilitation for substance use disorders.

Medical Sub-Specialties

Infectious Disease: Participate in the management of patients with comorbid substance use disorders and various infectious diseases, including HIV, osteomyelitis, and endocarditis. 

Interventional Pain Management: Participate in pain management for patients with comorbid substance use disorders and chronic pain.

Hepatology: Participate in treatment of patients with comorbid substance use disorders and liver disease including hepatitis B/C and cirrhosis.

Scholarly Activity

Teaching: The fellow is expected to participate in the education of trainees at UK. They will be involved in bedside teaching on many of their clinical rotations with medical students and various residents and will develop and present lectures to the psychiatry residents covering topics in addiction.

Research: Various options are present for involvement in research. Mentorship is available and time will be protected in the clinical schedule for this if needed, depending on the nature of the project. Support for data analysis is available. Travel funding is available if a poster is accepted to the addiction medicine conference.


Education is a priority in this program and occurs during protected time and consists of a combination of the following:

  • Supervised reading
  • Didactic sessions
  • Case conferences
  • Online learning modules
  • Departmental Grand Rounds
  • Supervision sessions with faculty