
There are many families across campus, around the state and throughout the world that share deep University of Kentucky connections. 

The University of Kentucky has been awarded a $1.5 million grant by the state of Kentucky to develop a comprehensive plan for the prevention and treatment of substance abuse by adolescents. The grant money comes from a $19 million fund administered by the Substance Abuse Treatment Advisory Committee, which was created to distribute monies garnered from settlements with two pharmaceutical companies.

UK Psychiatry appears in news articles for awards, honors and achievements.

 March 2016

Congratulations go to Dr. Brittany Ingram, Psychiatry resident. She was nomindated and selected to be the UK Healthcare Resident of the Month for March 2016!

National Summit on Prescription Drug and Heroin Abuse Spotlights UK Leadership, Clinical Research

Click here for full article.


February 2016

Our department is known for its strong commitment to children and to education in child and adolescent psychiatry.
The College of Medicine has one of 10 triple-board residency programs in the nation where residents can train in Adult Psychiatry, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, and Pediatrics.
We offer learning opportunities in inpatient, outpatient and emergency psychiatric care in many different settings. There are also highly regarded research, electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), forensic, addiction and many other elective experiences available to residents.