An agreement to lease UK land on South Limestone will enable Shriners Hospitals for Children® to bring their highly regarded services closer to Kentucky Children’s Hospital. The move builds upon a collaboration between UK HealthCare and Shriners that has existed for many years.
In 2017, Shriners Hospitals for Children - Lexington will move from Richmond Road to a new five-story medical office building they will build on South Limestone across from Chandler Hospital 
(see map below). The new facility, which will include an ambulatory surgery center, will be called Shriners Hospitals for Children Medical Center.

The new state-of-the-art ambulatory care center has been designed to better meet the orthopaedic needs of children and their families in a five-state region. UK pediatric orthopaedic surgeons, who have been contracted to serve as the medical staff for the Lexington Shriners Hospital since the 1970s, will have offices and clinics in the new facility. Shriners’ patients will have convenient access to Kentucky Children’s Hospital if inpatient care is needed.

Shriners is leasing the top two floors (44,000 square feet) of the new building to Kentucky Medical Services Foundation for UK Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences offices and eye clinic. Last year UK eye clinics in Lexington served 36,500 patient visits. This service has long been identified as needing more space to meet high patient demand.
Abatement and demolition of existing structures will begin soon on the site. Construction of the new facility is scheduled to begin early in 2015 with an opening slated for spring 2017.
