On March 30 and 31st the University of Kentucky hosted a total of 150 students from Oneida and Manchester elementary schools in Clay County Kentucky. These students are participants in a study called The Clay County Clock Study funded by CCTS. The co-PIs of the study, Jody Clasey from Kinesiology and Karyn Esser from Physiology, arranged for the students to get a “hands on” look at science at UK. The students did 4 rotations around campus including Engineering, Cardiology, Human Performance, and Microbiology. Dr. Beth Garvy, with help from Dr.
Congratulations to Animesh Dhara Ph.D.(postdoc) and Elizabeth Watts B.S. (lab manager) from the Sinai Lab for each having been recognized as presenting the best posters at the 13th International Congress on Toxoplasmosis and T. gondii Biology held in Gettysburg PA. Animesh and Elizabeth’s posters were selected on the basis of both the quality of the work, its display and presentation. The top 12 posters out of a total of 221 poster presentations were chosen by the attendees at the conference for this honor.