We would like to congratulate our former graduate research assistant Myles Moody for earning his PhD in Sociology and accepting a tenure-track assistant professor appointment in the Sociology Department at the University of Alabama-Birmingham! Myles was a key member of CHET's team who added great value to our training and programming, especially the Students Participating as Ambassadors for Research in Kentucky (SPARK) Program. "'I’m passionate about research and I really wanted the opportunity to transfer those skills and knowledge to younger folks,' said Moody, who earned his doctorate in sociology in UK’s College of Arts & Sciences. 'It’s been very rewarding for me. I love seeing light bulbs go off. And it even reinforces some things for me. It’s been great in that regard.'" We will miss Myles but wish him much success! You can read more about his work here: https://www.as.uky.edu/sociology-graduate-student-seeks-find-ways-improving-health-african-americans?j=231300&sfmc_sub=122680924&l=19961_HTML&u=7163245&mid=10966798&jb=0