Reliable Data Analysis

The BHOS team has experience interpreting data results into comprehensible and meaningful findings that can be used by a variety of audiences including clients, service providers, policymakers, and community members. The BHOS team includes faculty and staff who have a broad range of skills and over 30 years of combined experience conducting applied quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods research including:

  • Conducting telephone surveys with hundreds of clients to better understand program outcomes 
  • Examining client-level outcomes 
  • Analysis of large data sets collected by other entities to understand community-wide trends 
  • Conducting focus groups with community members about their perceptions of the need for services
  • In-depth narrative interviews conducted with clients to better understand their real life experiences 

Valid, reliable, and accurate data analysis is critical to any community-based research project. Sound protocols have been developed, based on the team’s years of experience, to maintain the integrity of data and to protect human participants. The team has expertise in conducting research that protects human participants from adverse outcomes and maintains confidentiality of information. UK CDAR BHOS strictly adheres to government, state, and university guidelines and regulations for protecting human participants in research. Data management and analyses are conducted by experienced analysts using both quantitative and qualitative techniques. The team works with government and other research entities to merge secondary data sets with client-level data sets to connect client-level outcomes with community-level indicators and client-level service utilization and health indicators.