[From Rebecca Dutch, Associate Dean for Biomedical Education]

Dear Chairs and Center Directors,


The University of Kentucky Center for Health Services Research (CHSR), which serves as a connector, catalyst and creator at UK and UK HealthCare, announces the launch of its new website and seeks membership applicants for its efforts in applying research to optimize health care delivery. The CHSR is focused on creating, testing, and scaling next-generation health services research solutions to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of health delivery within Kentucky and beyond.

A team of investigators has made a thought-provoking discovery about a type of cholesterol previously believed to be a "bad guy" in the development of heart disease and other conditions. Jason Meyer, a University of Kentucky M.D.-Ph.D.

SRAS News -- eIAFs for Clinical Trials can now be initiated by the Grant Proposal Specialist (GPS) for your department/center.  Please contact your GPS directly for assistance.  You can find a list of SRAS department assignments here. 

The University of Kentucky's Center of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) on the Molecular Basis of Human Disease was recently awarded a third phase of National Institutes of Health (NIH) funding for a program to develop its research community and center dedicated to human disease. With this new $1.25 million annual grant, UK's COBRE will build upon achievements of a research development program that initially received NIH support in 2004.

Attention PIs with NIH awards --  OSPA recently delegated to you the ability in eRA Commons to submit your annual progress reports, known as RPPRs, to NIH directly.   (NIH allows this delegation for SNAP awards only).  The SRAS staff remains available and more than willing to assist you with this process.  We are currently working on revising the RPPR SOP, which will be posted soon.  In the meantime, you are strongly encouraged to contact your GPS/pre-award support person directly for guidance w

Public Workshop – Pediatric Clinical Investigator Training

Studies show that adults who received corrective surgery for the most common serious form of congenital heart disease as infants are susceptible to heart failure in adulthood. Researchers at the University of Kentucky are using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technology to better understand the cause of heart failure in these patients, with the goal of eventually developing new therapies to reduce mortality. The team, led by University of Kentucky professor Dr.


The Directors of the NIH grant Building Interdisciplinary Research Careers in Women' Health (BIRCWH) at the University of Kentucky are seeking applications from outstanding junior faculty interested in participating in this research training program focused on either

1) women’s health
2) sex/gender differences in health risk and/or disease.

[From August 7, 2014 "Grants Bulletin"]


University of Kentucky associate professor Dr. Matthew Gentry, a biochemist who studies the very basic makeup of living things, can count very few "Eureka!" moments in his scientific career.

[From NIH]

Revised Policy: Descriptions on the Use of Individual Development Plans (IDPs) for Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Researchers Required in Annual Progress Reports beginning October 1, 2014

Prabhakara R Nagareddy, a scientist with the Saha Cardiovascular Research Institute at the University of Kentucky, has received a prestigious K99/R00 award from the National Institutes of Health. Also known as the Pathway to Independence (PI) Award, this grant provides two years of mentored postdoctoral support followed by three years of independent support.

The Federal Office of Management and Budget (OMB) took 8 separate circulars applicable to different types of grantee organizations and combined them into a single document referred to as the Uniform Guidance.  Much remains that looks familiar but there is the potential for both major and minor changes to our policies and procedures.    To further complicate matters,  the OMB document is actually guidance to federal agencies and each granting agency must issue its own implementing regula

University of Kentucky Endowed Chair of Neuroscience Dr. Diane Snow was recently elected by her colleagues to serve as president-elect of the National Neurotrauma Society (NNS). With this appointment, Snow will hold the position of president in 2015-2016. Since joining the NNS in 2003, Snow has championed women's contributions to neurotrauma research and mentorship opportunities for young members of the profession, including students, postdoctoral fellows and young professors.
Dr. Mikel Smith, the Alberto Mazzoleni Professor of Cardiology and the director of echocardiography at the Gill Heart Institute, has been given the American Society of Echocardiography's 2014 Richard Popp Excellence in Teaching Award. The award recognizes an outstanding teacher who epitomizes the ideal qualities of a mentor and role model. According to Dr. Vincent Sorrell, director of advanced cardiovascular imaging at the Gill Heart Institute, the Popp Award is particularly meaningful because the awardee must be nominated by one of his or her students or peers.
Tetsuhiro Yasuma, postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences at the University of Kentucky College of Medicine, has been selected to receive the 2014 Fight for Sight Postdoctoral Award from Fight for Sight, a non-profit organization that promotes eye research by providing pilot funding to promising new researchers. Yasuma received training in biomedical research as an undergraduate student in Japan and general ophthalmology and surgery in graduate school. Yasuma joined the Ambati lab at UK in 2012.

The University of Kentucky Center for Molecular Medicine sponsors three scientific cores for use by researchers at the University of Kentucky.  These include a Protein core providing services for the production and characterization of proteins, an Organic Synthesis core synthesizing small molecules not commercially available, and a Genetic Technologies core producing recombinant virus and oth

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