Could your ideas have an impact on the health or physical activity of North Americans?

Are you seeking additional funding for your research?

McGill University’s Faculty of Education is pleased to announce the call for applications for the 2015 Bloomberg Manulife Prize for the Promotion of Active Health. This important annual academic prize, valued at $50,000 CDN, recognizes an academic whose research has contributed to understanding how factors such as physical activity, nutrition, fitness or psychosocial context can influence personal health and well-being, and whose work could have a positive impact on our behaviour and lifestyle choices. 

As recipient of the prize, you will receive the funding as a research grant to further enhance your work, and will have the opportunity to have your research promoted through McGill’s Bloomberg Manulife website, eDigest and social media channels that exist to support the prize. The recipient will be invited to participate in a series of moderated discussions in Toronto and at McGill University in Montreal. In addition, the winner will be invited to participate in media interviews to discuss his/her research and to meet with academics at McGill.  

The Prize is presented in association with Lawrence and Frances Bloomberg, Manulife Financial, and the Department of Kinesiology and Physical Education with McGill’s Faculty of Education. 

Please visit our website ( for more details including eligibility, how to apply, and information on previous winners. 

The deadline for receipt of applications is May 15, 2015.