Non-competing continuation grants (research and non-research) including those that remain to be issued in FY 2014 likely will be made within the range between the commitment level indicated on the Notice of Award and 3 percent below that level. 

The NIH awarding Institutes/Centers (IC) will develop and post their fiscal policies consistent with overall NIH goals and available FY 2014 funds. 

Sent on behalf of Brandy Nelson, University of Kentucky Biosafety Officer and Responsible Official: Per the Code of Federal Regulations (7 CFR Part 331, 9 CFR Part 121, and 42 CFR Part 73) possession, use or transfer of the infectious agents and toxins listed below requires registration with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and/or United States Department of Agriculture. Non-compliance with these regulations may result in criminal penalties, including fines and incarceration, affecting the University of Kentucky and/or the individual in possession of the material.
University of Kentucky College of Medicine student Melanie Pleiss has received the PhRMA Foundation Pre-Doctoral Fellowship in Pharmacology/Toxicology. The fellowship is a two year award that provides recipients with an annual stipend of $20,000 to support the research activities of a doctoral program. "The application process is extremely competitive, with just one applicant per institution allowed to apply and only a certain number of awards given to U.S. schools of medicine, pharmacy, dentistry or veterinary medicine," said Dr.

Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Stipends, Tuition/Fees and Other Budgetary Levels Effective for Fiscal Year 2014

For junior faculty with clinical and/or teaching responsibilities, it's difficult to find enough time to prioritize their own research. On top of time constraints, junior faculty members often have limited experience in the precise art of writing successful federal grant applications and managing large grants. It takes time, training, and funding to accelerate a research career. The KL2 Career Development Program provides these resources to investigators to do just that.
A new study led by University of Kentucky Markey Cancer Center researcher Peter Zhou shows that targeting Twist, a nuclear protein that is an accelerant of the epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) program in human cells, may provide an effective approach for treating triple-negative breast cancer. Triple-negative breast cancer has an activated EMT program, which is a process that provides cells with the increased plasticity (or flexibility) to adapt to stressed environments during embryonic development, wound healing, tissue fibrosis and metastasis.

The Office of Sponsored Projects Administration has created a new webpage entitled "Investigator's Survival Guide". This new page offers guidance to investigators at on topics ranging form Proposal Submission to Responsible Conduct of Research. To view the page, click here.

Saha Awards for Cardiovascular Research and Education

Saha Cardiovascular Research Center

2014 Saha Awards

Awards Announcement

University of Kentucky College of Medicine

Postdoctoral Advisory Committee

Call for Abstracts


NIH Shared Instrumentation Grant Program and Required Information for Letter of Institutional Commitment

 The NIH Office of Research Infrastructure Programs (ORIP) supports the Shared Instrumentation Grant program for major research equipment costing between $100,000 and $600,000. ORIP intends to commit approximately $40 million in FY2015 to fund approximately 80 new awards. The NIH deadline is March 21, 2014.

Attention Investigators

The Center for Clinical and Translational Science Pilot Research Program is calling for applications.

 The Center for Clinical and Translational Science at UK will accept applications for pilot projects according to the following schedule:

- Call for Applications: January 23, 2014

- Letter of Intent due: February 19, 2014

- Invitation to submit Full Application: March 31, 2014

- Full Application due: April 28, 2014

Please find below an important message from the UK Environmental Management Department: 

I need to remind you of a matter that is vitally important in meeting the intent and spirit of certain regulatory obligations, and in ensuring the safe transportation of dangerous goods (1) packaging originating from the University. The US Department of Transportation (DOT) has established regulations for the transport of dangerous goods by rail, air, vessel (ships), and motor carrier (ground).  Very significant financial penalties may result from any violations of DOT regulations.

Renowned chemist, novelist and playwright Carl Djerassi, known for his work in organic chemistry and as a father of insect and human birth control, will take part in several events being held Feb. 13-15, at the University of Kentucky. During his visit to the Bluegrass, Djerassi will participate in three events. He will first serve as the featured speaker at a luncheon for business and academic leaders.

As part of the recent announcment that NIH is operating under a continuing solution, it was announced that the salary cap has been increased by 1%. To read more about the continuing resolution and the salary cap increase, click here.







Sally Rockey, NIH Deputy Director for Extramural Research, released in a recent blog post the FY 2013 information for research applications, funding and awards.  To read her blog post, click here.

Dr. Rockey releases a blog post every week with benefical information for every researcher.  To sign up for Dr. Rockey's blog, called Rock Talk, click here.


A new lecture series presented by mUsiKcare will highlight wellness and health care benefits of music programs like the UK piano courses for individuals 50 years of age and older. A transcript of this video can be found here. Video by Jenny Wells/UK Public Relations and Marketing.

Donna Wilcock, assistant professor in the University of Kentucky College of Medicine Department of Physiology and the UK Sanders-Brown Center on Aging, has been invited to join the editorial board of The Journal of Neuroscience in 2014 as an associate editor in the Neurobiology of Disease section. She was been selected by the senior and reviewing editors of the journal based on her expertise and history of reviews. As an associate editor, Wilcock will provide frequent reviews as well as suggesting appropriate reviewers for manuscripts.
Ana Bastos-Carvalho, a visiting scholar in the Ambati research group in the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences at the University of Kentucky College of Medicine, received the Global Ophthalmology Research Award from Bayer HealthCare for her research, "Mechanisms of geographic atrophy expansion in age-related macular degeneration." “We are studying age-related macular degeneration (AMD), the disease responsible for most cases of legal blindness in the American elderly population”, Bastos-Carvalho said.