You are probably aware that the federal Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has made a major change to the underlying guidance by which university recipients of federal awards have operated for decades. OMB combined eight separate circulars, applicable to different types of grantee organizations, into a single document, “Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards,” commonly referred to as the Uniform Guidance (UG). Most of the changes in the Uniform Guidance will be applicable to new grants and funding increments issued after December 26, 2014. 

The University of Kentucky has formed a Working Group to review the UG and determine if current university policies and procedures are compliant or if any change is needed. One of the ways the University community will be kept informed of progress is via a website which is hosted on the Research website. The site information about the UG, including all major documents issued by OMB and other federal agencies, commentary by relevant professional organizations, agency implementations, the names of Working Group members and a link to provide feedback to the Working Group.