Zhiming Zhang
- Regular Faculty
College Unit(s)
Utilizing Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Current research focuses on utilizing magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and functional MRI technologies to study aging and degenerative disease in awake non-human primate model. Brain activation induced by pharmacological stimulation is mapped by using endogenous blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) mechanism to study functional architecture of basal ganglia circuits. The study will let us better understand the anatomy, physiology and pharmacology of those structures. Another research interest is using the non-human primate parkinsonian model to investigate the basal ganglia pathways which involve Levo-dopa induced side effects. This study can lead us to find a better strategy to treat Parkinson's disease.
Selected Publications
Gash, D. M., Z. Zhang, et al. Functional recovery in parkinsonian monkeys treated with GDNF. Nature 380(6571): 252-5, 1996
Ovadia, A., Z. Zhang, et al. Increased susceptibility to MPTP toxicity in middle-aged rhesus monkeys. Neurobiology Aging 16(6): 931-7, 1995
Zhang, Z., Y. Miyoshi, et al. Dose response to intraventricular glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor administration in parkinsonian monkeys. Journal of Pharmacol Exp Ther 282(3): 1396-401, 1997
Gash, D. M., Z. Zhang, et al. Neuroprotective and neurorestorative properties of GDNF. Ann Neurol 44(3 Suppl 1): S121-5, 1998
Zhang, Z., M. Zhang, et al. MPTP-Induced pallidal lesions in rhesus monkeys. Experimental Neurology. 155(1): 140-9, 1999
Duan, W., Z. Zhang, et al. Participation of prostate apoptosis response-4 in degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in models of Parkinson's disease. Ann Neurol 46(4): 587-97, 1999
Zhang, Z., A. Andersen, et al. Motor slowing and parkinsonian signs in aging rhesus monkeys mirror human aging. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 55(10): B473-80, 2000
Zhang, Z., A. H. Andersen, et al. Functional MRI of apomorphine activation of the basal ganglia in awake rhesus monkeys. Brain Res 852(2): 290-6, 2000
Zhang, Z., A. Andersen, et al. Pharmacological MRI mapping of age-associated changes in basal ganglia circuitry of awake rhesus monkeys. Neuroimage 14(5): 1159-67, 2001
Andersen, A., Zhiming Zhang et al. MRI compatible chamber and training protocol for pharmacological MRI study in awake rhesus monkeys. J Neurosci Methods 118(2): 141-52, 2002.
Grondin, R., Zhang, Z., Yi Ai et al. Chronic controlled GDNF infusion promotes structural and functional recovery in advanced parkinsonian monkeys. Brain 125 (10): 2191-201, 2002.