START for Mentors
About START for Mentors
A passion for student development defines a successful START Mentor you don't need to be a STEM major to influence the next generation of STEM. START equips every mentor with online or in-person accredited mentor training, certified level 1 through the College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA) - a great addition to your resume or CV.
START pairs Mentors with a high school Junior or Senior in our START Apprentice Program. Together, Apprentice/Mentor pairs receive authentic lab and research experiences on campus and beyond, learning real-world practices and applications. Mentors give insight into the college experience, decision making, goal setting and available paths, while modeling academic resilience and success.
Contact START to learn more about training and mentoring time commitments and flexibility.
CRLA Certification
Certification communicates validity to critics, prestige among colleagues, and credibility to administrators and other institutional stakeholders. The certification criteria provided by CRLA’s IPTPC can be used to develop a new program of peer educator training, revise an existing program, or expand a program into new areas of perceived need. As with tutor certification, IPTPC is a "living" program: criteria are reviewed annually in light of professional input and new learning in the field.