The program is housed within the UK College of Medicine Department of Neuroscience and the Spinal Cord and Brain Injury Research Center.


UKNeu-PREP is a two year, NIH-funded post baccalaureate program at the University of Kentucky College of Medicine. This is a training program for recent college graduates from underrepresented backgrounds who are interested in research careers in neuroscience but lacked access to research opportunities as undergraduates.

This two-year post baccalaureate program includes mentored laboratory research and experience, graduate level courses, opportunities for professional development, and mentorship.

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Program Goals

  •  2-year post-baccalaureate neuroscience training program 
  • Prepare participants for entry into neuroscience graduate degree programs
  • Connect participants to research opportunities and holistic, culturally-competent mentorship

Program Offerings

  • $36,000/year salary + benefits
  • 75% research + 25% coursework
  • Interact with other training programs e.g. African American Research Training Scholars (AARTS); Stem Through Authentic Research Training: (S.T.A.R.T); Neurobiology of CNS Injury T32 graduate training program


  • Neuroscience or related undergraduate education
  • Identify as an underrepresented minority
  • Baccalaureate degree (May 2023 is fine) from an institution without substantial research opportunities (undergraduate institution does not have a doctoral degree program in neuroscience)

Get in Touch with the Program Directors

Email the program directors for more information: 

Recruitment - Luke Bradley, PhD:  

Program On-boarding - John C. Gensel, PhD: 

Fill Out a Short Form

Click below to fill out a short form that will let us know you're interested in applying. Once you have submitted the form, we will contact you with more information.

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About the Program Directors

Luke H. Bradley, PhD

Positions Held:
  • Regular Faculty
  • Acting Chair

John Carib Gensel, PhD

Positions Held:
  • Director-Spinal Cord and Brain Injury Research Center (SCoBIRC)
  • Associate Professor of Physiology
  • SCoBIRC Endowed Chair #5.